Free RateBeer Premium Membership through the month of October!

Found this today:

Lol, It can never be that easy here. Once you navigate through the whole site to randomly find that it was there…

So, to make it easy for everybody.

1.You go to main page
2. you login
3. then you click a random link in order to get to an old page format so you have access to the old website header
4. If the link you clicked sends you to a newer page format, try again until you successfully reach an older page.
5. From there, you login again (on the legacy pages login)
6. You click the More link in the old header
7. Here you have it, the Buy Premium Membership page link
8. You click on the Free Membership button
9…oh wait… it send you to the Feedback page, there’s 5 different emails there to choose from. don’t take a chance, send an email to both postmaster and admin…sometimes they are really picky…


I’ve sent a private message to Joe here as suggested by Marko. That was 10 days ago. Still no answer or premium.


Me too,…so my premium died the 3rd of Dec.
But my mails today to postmaster and admin worked, my new Premium lasts until the 6th of dec 2021;) :santa: :santa: :santa:

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Thanks for that… I tried sending an email to all the addresses in the hope one gets thru… Its interesting that the email address autodirects to an “” email and is coming back as undeliverable!

I thought I’d done whatever it was @joet wanted, but obviously not. Still Premium until May 2021 as before.

Can’t be arsed to try again, not too sure he’d give it to me anyway.

Well done to those that managed to jump through all the hoops, I couldn’t even follow the instructions our 666 friends tried to give on this thread!


The instructions were more a joke on how someone must in fact be very lucky to find the link…

In reality, you simply ask ONE YEAR FREE at those 2 emails (not sure which one):

Thank you for replying @Viper666.Qc, but I have tried twice already.

I’m not going to ask a third time.



I don’t have my premium membership yet and I also won’t ask a third time! Joe where is my premium I WANT IT NOW!!!

Worked out for me too. Got it just now.


Worked for me also, looks like it’s the email from reply I got saying it was sorted out


I love complaining about this website as much as the next RBian, but this thread is a hilarious confluence of old people that don’t know how to send an e-mail. You could send an e-mail to in far less time than it would take for you to be pedantic about claiming a free year of premium membership.


Nice bun

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Could you please point us to the post where Joe said mail should be sent to that address?
Once again he said

direct message here on Discourse or with a Feedback message

There is a Feedback at the and of this page and guess what? It takes me right back to this thread.
Thanks to Viper666 its now clear what needs to be done, but this shouldn’t be a riddle.


Funny thing is, THIS LINK IS THE GOOD LINK, but like all other links at the end of the forum page, they are broken and just redirect us back to top instead of loading on the right page. (known bug for years)


Yet another effect of Discourse not blending in well with the rest of the site.

@discobot should fix that already

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Mailing worked for me.
Now premium.

Thanks @joet

Tried for a third time and sent an email, we’ll see whether it works

He said to send a message on Discourse or with a feedback message. I have no idea what Discourse is, so I used my big brain to Google ‘ratebeer feedback’. Crazy enough, the very first result provides RateBeer’s feedback page with a bunch of e-mail addresses you can choose from. Lo and behold, I sent a one-sentence e-mail to one of the addresses listed there and got it within an hour. Not hard.