HIGH IMPACT BUG: Newly entered beers are not showing in search results

That’s in the database as Lounský Žejdlík. Got me panicked for a sec that we missed a new Czech brewery. :smiley: Maybe it doesn’t show because it doesn’t have any beers attached. Let me test some things.

But anyway, this is the correct brewery entry, will expand it:

Deleted the duplicate and confirmed with Joe that the brewery issue is being worked on.

Update 2:
This is weird, some recently added breweries are searchable, some are not. Looking into that further.

Ok, all newly edited breweries are visible now. Took me editing them manually but it worked! :slight_smile:


Thanks Marko.I see now.

So an analysis to conclude this:

The issue had affected 947-948 beers, starting with 942274 and ending with 943221 or 943222. The underlying issue started on August 2nd between 02:09 and 02:15 (the last working and the first “broken” entry) and was resolved Aug 6th between 02:39 and 02:52 CE (the last confirmable “broken” and the first confirmable functioning entry, with one in between that was edited later so we can’t tell if it was “broken”)

Beers that were edited (even without changes) later became searchable again. I’d say a few hundreds were fixed, intentionally or not (fixed at least some 70+ today myself), but a script will be, from what I’m told today (again), run to bring others up to date. If that stalls, it will be easy to organize admin volunteers to do things manually I’d guess in an organized manner.


I’m just shocked that basically it took only four days to enter 1000 beers. I have to drastically increase my ticking schedule to keep up :rofl: