How Generous are you

With your ratings, from your profile page (on right)
you can see
Avg Score Given 3.38
Avg Beer Rated 3.37

So take score Given minus Score Rated = generousity in my case 0.01

  • -0.75 or less
  • -0.5 or less
  • -0.4 or less
  • -0.3 or less
  • -0.2 or less
  • -0.1 or less
  • -0.05 or less
  • -0.03 or less
  • -0.01 or less
  • Identical
  • 0.01 or more
  • 0.03 or more
  • 0.05 or more
  • 0.1 or more
  • 0.2 or more
  • 0.3 or more
  • 0.4 or more
  • 0.5 or more
  • 0.75 or more

0 voters

While i have you here, if your new to the Forums ive had a fair few polls since i found we could do them, The more people that do them the more interesting the data.
So if you click on any tag in this case cgarviepoll you will see al threads with that tag, and thus can see all the polls if you want to take part in others


good to know…:beers:


big shout out to @caesar for being the First Identified as Identical. :clap:

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-0.15, not very generous at all.

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Usually Dutch are identified as greedy. So considering that fact, I consider myself rather generous :stuck_out_tongue:

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-0,17. I tend to give IPA’s and Sours very low since I don’t enjoy those styles all that much.


Heh, I’m your opposite, with +0.17

Avg Score Given 3.51
Avg Beer Rated 3.34

I’m curious to know who is the harshest rater and who is the most generous.

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I would think @77ships is in the top of most generous raters.

Edit: “just” +0.18. I thought it would be much higher
Edit: Koelschtrinker has -0.22. Quite harsh

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Yeah its pretty clear i didnt use the rigth scale for it :slight_smile:
I was expecting FatPhil or such to be way more than 0.2

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Profile page? Not available to me in the new forums page right now.


the sites still a little in 2 parts just now. click on places or events or such. then on your name and you get original profile. profile here is the forum part of profile


Keepin it quite real…

Avg Score Given 3.23
Avg Beer Rated 3.3


Avg Score Given 3.94
Avg Beer Rated 3.96

I only rate the beers I really like or chase, though.

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And I thought this was a pitch to help the natural disaster victims.


oh come on calling the move to the new forums a natural disaster is going a little too far



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Avg Score Given 3.5
Avg Beer Rated 3.44

Not sure if this plays a factor in things, but a significant number of the beers I’ve had are weighed pretty low since they usually top out at around 7-10 ratings. If the weighted average is the number being used for the average beer rated score, my number might be closer.

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Then why are you listed in the “-0.3 or less” band, you should be in the
“-0.05 or less” band?

@discobot - fix this!

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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