Looking for Firestone Walker Anniversary 13. I have a variety of options for trade, let me know what styles you are into and I’ll let you know what I have.
Can’t help you with the trade, sorry, but I’m curious - why the 13th edition? Is it the only one missing from your collection?
Its the only in the FW Anniversary series that I do not have.
Lucky number 13 - best of luck with your search!
Hey, I know it’s been many months since your request, I don’t check the forums very often. Did you find any FW XIII? I have bottles available to trade if you still need one. I’d be very happy to help you out if you are still seeking it out. Where are you located?
Although I really don’t want to ship out beers with the current heat across much of the country. So I’d want to delay any shipment for at least a couple of months.