Italy Milan Florence and some stuff in between

That is an amazing idea :stuck_out_tongue:

It looks like my trip is back on in September. Going to Florence, Milan and Bologna. Any new places or closures I should know about?

Bump bump bump

Hey Roman!

There is a beer festival called Villaggio della Birra near Siena in September. I might be there.

Best places in Milan are

Lambiczoon - great service, beers and bottle selection. Burger is pretty good too.
Birrificio Lambrate (in Adelchi, they have 2 places) - legendary bar with great beers and atmosphere
Picobrew - great lagers and cheese board is an absolute must

Alder is a short train ride from Milan and IMHO well worth it. Plenty of more places but these were top notch for me. Problem with Milan in general is that beer places are scattered around and almost none of them are in the city center. Second problem are working hours all around Italy which can be very limiting.

Haven’t been to Bologna in some time now but Ranzani 13 is a must. Great beer and pizza. Plenty of other beer places is Bologna, you won’t be thirsty there.

Arrogant Pub in Reggio Emilia is another beer destination place.

Saporè - Renato Bosco Pizzeria - bit outside of Verona is the best pizza I had in my life. Both Mastino and Birrone breweries have some good beers, their taprooms are worth checking out.

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Thanks! I will be leaving Italy Sept 10 so not sure if I will still be in the country.

Unfortunately we had to cut Verona out of our itinerary.

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Ciao a tutti -

Spending a week based in Milan, May 21-28. Two main questions:

Interested in much of the lambic menu at Lambiczoon - is it likely there will be other people there who’d be looking to split several bottles?

Also, love how the menu at Lambiczoon still has many of the classic Italian craft brands - Baladin, Lambrate, Italiano, del Ducato, BrewFist, etc. So I am wondering, what are some of the new, great, Italian craft breweries I should be on the lookout for while in the pubs around northern Italy? Ritual? I saw someone mention Adler above.

Many thanks!

When I was there, it was not very crowded, so there was not much opportunity to split bottles, but then again, I did not ask. There are small format bottles though that you could drink by yourself.

As for other Italian beer, Adler is definitely a good bet. Crak is also quite good. Ca’ del Brado brews barrel-aged sours, and they are consistently good, but you will probably have to get 50cl bottles. I would also keep my eyes out for any Italian Grape Ales. Lambiczoon will likely have a few on draught.

Would also recommend this place: which is pretty close to Lambiczoon.

Also, Shallo is closer to the center of Milan and is an excellent bottle shop / bar.

Great info, thank you.

Land and immediately Take the train to Venice stay for 2 days and then the train to Florence for 3 days. Travel from Florence back to Milan and spend the afternoon and evening in Milan and then fly out the next day. You don’t want the stress of having to wake up, take the train from Florence to Milan and then get to the airport in time for a flight.
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