It doesn’t look like we have the “Non-US” forum any longer. If we want to put something Europe-related (the continent, not the Swedish band), but not related to any of the countries that have a Regional Forum, where would we put it? Like the “Non-US” we had or a “Rest of Europe” type forum?
Joe said he had a cull of forums based on use, But im surprised this one has gone
Yeah… Summoning @joet, any chance of a Non-US or Europe-ish forum?
Shall we call it Europe?
Im ok with Europe . But im also ok with Non-US for the Aisa and AU etc lot.
Europe would be good. I’ve been asked to compile an EU version of my UK online bottleshop thread so I’ll need somewhere relevant to post it
Think it would be nice if Asia had its own forum too although it would probably be a lot less active.
Sounds good to me!
We should have separate boards for separate continents (apart from North America where everything is covered I guess), no matter the amount of use.
Your wish is granted.
Long live Jambi.
that gonna be your nee avitar joe? you’ve fair changed since last one was taken
It’s really just a shave and my bedtime headgear.
This. Usage is irrelevant: there should be a forum for Asia, a forum for Africa, and a forum for Latin America. Period.
I think US should be just 1 region.
Great idea! We only need two Regional Forums then, US and Non-US.
Hang on a minute, we can go further! Remove both and just have one forum called Earth
heh lets not rule out those Martians
Hang on a minute, we can go further! Remove both and just have one forum called Earth
Trump vetoed that…
Is Quebec the only part of Canada that gets a regional forum now? Or am I blind?