Place Reviews; UK County Stats

Still only two guys who have done all 46 counties.

It is a stat I would like to achieve one day, but not rushed or planned for a mega ‘around England’ trip visiting one place in any remaining county. I want to do it in style and with a bit of ‘class’.


I think I have actually done it anyway: but before the internet and sites like this came into being. I used to use the CAMRA Good Beer Guide when following Grimsby Town on away days/weekends, soon cover the country over a few seasons.


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Im happy enough with my place given that im not even starting in one of them. But big shout out to @Travlr for the impressive feat

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Yes, Gene managed to visit all of them (and the Isle of Man) on his various trips to the UK.

Dave (wingmanwillis) is the only other, and he hardly ever rates beers.


Ive definitely visited all 46 counties more than once pre-RB and pre-craft explosion. Best not to rate from past experience tho as obv places change a lot over the years. Still 22nd place aint bad

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Yes, half the pubs I must have been in over the years are closed now I should imagine.


As I’ve stated before …

I’ve visited all 46 counties.

Drank beer in 44 of them.

Drank a coke in a Rutland pub when I was a kid a few times (30/40 minute car ride from where we lived in Leicestershire).

Northumberland is the only county I’ve not set foot in a pub to the best of my knowledge.

Cheshire, Durham, East Yorkshire, Merseyside, Northumberland, Rutland and Shropshire required for a place rate on RB.

32 down, 14 to go. Done some of the harder ones but it’s still becoming increasingly tricky…

Thanks Mr Haddock!

It appears I’m not worthy of a shout out :sob: . I do “rate” beers but to keep a Shropshire Lass happy I just give them a score. I’m at 15k give or take.

The only one I hadn’t visited before was the Isle of Wight, all others I’ve been to at some point following the mighty AFC Telford Utd. It’s good fun to go out and explore places. Aiming for 10 in each as a starter then move up from there.

You will struggle to find ten places worthy of being on the data base in Rutland or on the IoW.


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Think you could do it for IOW .

Managed 5 or 6 when the London crew went over in 2014 and we just stuck to the railway line.

Quite. Not done IOW but my 2016 Rutland trip yielded 6 place rates and even that was one hell of a stretch…