Questions: If ratebeer could add one MAJOR feature set, or change the site in some MAJOR way in order to modernize, improve itself? FINAL ANSWER: BUG FREE, STREAMLINED TO NEW DESIGN

If the beers are in the database and it’s free of charge I wouldn’t be so sure. Apps other than Untappd are bring used for this.


In untappd you can permanently mute people, so they don’t pop up in your feed. I have all non local active users muted, so the feed is actually useful and I can see what new things are available in town.

Serously people are running away from RB because of lot of things not working.
Let the dev team resolve the not not working issues that we have in RB today before you handover new wishes for functionality that I know from experience will cause another lot of bugs.

When you go to a place. and click on “Assosiated brewer” you get our friend the robot saying we can not find what youre looking for, That should be an easy task to fix, but seems like fixing is not a priority.

Here ilustrated with Pivo ZLoun - Pivovarska restaurace Na Letňáku


Actually, just refreshing the robot gets you to the brewery page but indeed that seems like an easily fixable bug that should have been fixed ages ago. And not been there to begin with, but hey.


I still would rather have new maps for personnel fun. Belgium, Japan and Italy would be my 3 favorites.

But another bug is the categories of sake, cider, mead showing up in Non beer styles list and they shouldn’t Since their sub categories listed and these just zero.

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What do you mean by new maps?

If you look at my first post in this thread and the guy who posted above me. Breaking down more countries into regions to fill up maps for ticks and place rates. Similar to what we do for US, England, Canada, and Germany

like this?


I read your first post and thought I knew what you meant. Then was confused when you said you wanted new maps. From my perspective you are not actually doing anything to the maps themselves, however you are creating regions and putting those cities and town into them. I think creating regions for some countries would be an improvement.

Hello. In my opinion:

Priority 1: As other said, Fix the bugs and inconsistencies (old and new page info).
Priority 2: As others also said. New statistics and new regions. Also the map section could be more interactive.

But, again as others said, if you want to add anything major…please do it in a BETA and dont fuck up the main site.

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Think the feeling on the site when this was last discussed was that Belgium and Australia should be the next to get region stats. I’m surprised with the big sales push the site had in Australia that they didn’t do this at that point.

Personally my top candidates for region stats would be the other nations in the British Isles is Scotland, Wales, & Norn and Republic of Ireland. Appreciate worldwide this may not be the priority though, I’d be happy with any other region stats.

Like this

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Fix known ‘Bugs’ first and then look at the Place Maps again to improve them, thirdly consider splitting more countries into regions for the Stat geeks amongst us (as others have suggested).



All the mentioned improvements are welcome :slightly_smiling_face:
It could be fun to comment others (friends?) reviews.

More pictures everywhere.


Place rates are the only thing that keeps me from leaving. So I’d love to see more development on the places side.


I can’t understand why we’d even talk of adding. Tons of things are broken. Many of those things used to be integral to the site. There are fractures all over the site with essentially multiple versions of the site existing but not working together. It’s a Gormenghast like maze.


Additionaly you can fix the rutines for the admins when they adjust for Alias/Unratable and more.

I have “lost” 5 beer rating last month. 1 I got the mail about, the 4 other not a sound at all, last one gone between I went to sleep last night and when I wake up.

Im aware that is due to “Alias” discovry and some “Ciders” that appears not to be Cider but some mixture.
But still. Get some info out that change has been done.


Yup, that’s a major thing.

We’ve all lost ratings. Either because of that (even in cases where merging was not warranted, just someone being trigger-happy) or because someone was careless, and in several cases, because of technical issues.

Ratings = money, time and effort. It’s probably hard for some who are not raters to wrap their heads around that fact, comprehend and acknowledge it, but being careless with other people’s money, time and effort is frankly unacceptable, not to use harsher words.

A robust system notifying you of merged ratings (what went where) and deleted ratings (which would include mailing your rating back to you) is very much needed. With admin id perhaps to see who deleted that.


Thank you @Marko, wish all the admins had the same attitude and aproach to that as you do.

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Most do I believe, but in the end, we are all volunteers with limited free time… and not as much internal support as we need and the site needs and deserves.