Questions: If ratebeer could add one MAJOR feature set, or change the site in some MAJOR way in order to modernize, improve itself? FINAL ANSWER: BUG FREE, STREAMLINED TO NEW DESIGN

The expected standard needn’t apply to every situation as in some, like this one, it has been and can be immensely counterproductive. One should be able to adapt to situations they find themselves in - but a lack of ability to adapt is what brought us to this state. And not user-side as was often implied (though that was true in some cases as well).

Here what you’ll do if you want too keep the thing alive is fix the bugs to retain the existing populace, which, satisfied, maybe starts spreading the word, and/or ups its activity level. And then - bam - new features, new features, new features. And not everything goes to shit. Alternatively - you don’t do shit with existing issues, you put up a new feature which nobody gives a fuck about as existing issues weren’t handled and you’ve just wasted time.

Just curious. Does RateBeer have a business plan?

We would only need a feature that scrape UNTAPPD to add new beers and autoremove duplicates…admins would only need to verify instead of having to add thousands of beers a year :slight_smile:

That would be a terrible idea and would cause more work for admins, of which like 5 or 6 (my guess) still work on regularly.

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My vote would be for a yearly “Men Of RateBeer” swimsuit calendar.

I would happily volunteer to be Mr July.


This is pure genius.

ABI sale killed this site. I’ve talked to a lot of UT folks and that’s what usually ends up being their main reason for not using RB. I’ve heard lotsa bad things but in the end selling out to ABI was the clincher. Funny cause the UT top 10 is pretty much made up of Bourbon Counties.
RB is for old farts who like to actually rate beer. UT is just quick and easy. AWWWWW Wham Bam Thank Ya Mam! type deal.

One thing RB does have that UT doesn’t is the forums. Maybe something can be done to enhance the community aspect? Make it more appealing.
Fuck. Ya got me.

Looks like clear consensus. Maps it is! thanks everyone for coming together on this.




Why stop at counties?



Please. No need for rich to get richer. Although earlier in thread interest in breaking out rest of UK that may be even easier by just renaming England tab UK and expanding map to include counties from Scotland, Wales, and NIR maybe with different colorations to differentiate countries. I’d be in favor since I drank a lot of Different Northern Ireland breweries.


Or on an actually serious note:

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I still wonder is there any European “county” which dont have any breweries so it would be impossible to rate? Even Ahvenanmaa in Finland has nowadays 2 breweries.

Hmm… actually, even Croatia has breweries in all of its stupidly small and splintered regions. No. 3 on the picture above got its own what, a year ago, no. 9, 10 and 12 I think only have one brewery - 9 and 12 only having breweries from before the true craft beer boom.

Some Balkans countries might have no breweries in some regions though. Macedonia barely has any breweries for example.

Moreover, Canada has regions, but two of them do not have any breweries. I think some regions of Russia (albeit those in Asia) probably don’t have breweries, though.

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Yeah, out of the 85 regions, three don’t have a single brewery: Chechnya, Ingushetia and Tyva.

In fact they all have at least 1 brewer… It’s just that the website doesn’t list them…

Even the Autonomous Jewish Oblast? (

If so, then this is a huge ISO for me!

Yeah, it’s a brewpub in Birobidzhan - Ресторан-пивоварня «Папаша Ганс».

Unsure how you could acquire beer from there without paying a visit.