Rbbwg 2019 - 23/02/2019!

I too am bringing an Untappd-friend (Cedric). We should probably make up a new name for next editions. Just call it the grand Belgium tasting or something.

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Maybe a good idea – we have always included people who are not RB but I have heard people say that they think this is a RB only event due to the name (which is funny to me but not most).


Een naamsverandering lijkt me inderdaad niet vreemd met de teruglopende RB userbase.

TGFKARBBWG (The Gathering Formerly Known As …)


For me personally, no long chain of abbrevations. But I’ll leave that up to you guys.

What I do think this should be is just a 2 times per year, gathering of good friends & beers. And wether we connect through Ratebeer, Untappd or Excel doesn’t really matter. So we should make the name reflect that.

Kraddel + Aminatchime will be hosting the event, location is still in Antwerp at their new house as Ben is currently MIA / sick to make sure that we have a location. Kraddel will update document in future but this doesn’t change much in travelling distance, number of people and people can still sleep over etc.


Just read about the beer pralines. Ohhh yeahhhh @kraddel, already looking forward to this!!

Is the starting time still 1 PM? And is kraddel’s home close to Antwerp Central Station?
Nevermind it’s updated already :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes on all questions. We’d like to close out by 23.00 at latest ( amina will hate drunk people, and we all know who will get drunk and sick, so I need to quit at a certain time). For public transportation, take tram 8 or 24(?) to Deurne ‘waterbaan’ it’s a 5 minute walk from there.

That’s perfectly fair, kraddel! And it’s good we start pretty early - I have no ambition of staying overnight in Antwerp :stuck_out_tongue:

Belgian Beer Geeks’ Gathering? BBGG! :smiley:


or ex-RB / BBGG.

I propose a vote that all join to jump the RB sinking ship. We could create a FB page for us and restrict invites. These forums are horrible anyways.

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Thouroughly agree! If anyone is up for it, I’ll create one & invite all I have.


@ElManana Yes please, an FB group would be lovely and quitting this forum as main source of communication will be best course I think.

Facebook group made, invited who I have / remember. Please feel free to invite others/anyone!


Allen, ik ben enige tijd stil geweest. Geen onwil maar onwetendheid. Althans onzekerheid. Helaas moet ik melden dat mijn deelname op losse schroeven staat. Ik wist het al langer maar hoopte op een ommekeer. Het lijkt er helaas niet van te komen en zo zal ik -met een kleine slag om de arm- hoogst waarschijnlijk een 2e keer ontbreken op een “former ooit eens genoemd naar blablabla Belgian …beer tasting”.

Ik meld me nog niet officieel af maar de kans dat het alsnog goedkomt is -helaas- zeer klein.

Ik wens u allen wel alvast veel plezier toe van het genieten van de rust :wink:

Officieel out voor de winter gathering. Helaas. Have fun iedereen!