May the admins please nuke all the hard seltzers / spiked seltzers that have been added to the database recently? They have absolutely nothing to do with beer, nor with ciders or sake, for that matter. Please do it NOW, before the problem gets bigger, and people start adding hard liquor, cocktails and other mixed drinks.
And no, it does not help if these drinks are produced at a brewery.
Just search for “hard seltzer” or “spiked seltzer”, and most of them will show up. Those with a non-generic name will have to be dealt with individually.
Searching seltzer found me 6 drinks, all of which are now unrateable. Either this is not as widespread a problem as your post implies, or you are going to need to help me out because I am not going to go looking for more.
Looks like this was brewed originally for Beer Advocate Extreme Beer Fest, everything is pointing to it being a Brut IPA and confusing from the Seltzer in the name:
Hahaha, this wasnt in no way meant to show UT is „better“. This actually shows that they suck as well. I suspect this is the same but one with raspberry. So style should be at least similiar.
This is the part that gets me wondering. Are there actually any malts in there? Could it actually be a seltzer made to be something in the brut IPA style?