Revisiting the classics

As a relative newcomer and novice, I often find myself drinking classic brews that the real connoisseurs rated in RB’s early days. Sometimes I wonder if they ever go back?
The regularity with which Scandanavian connoisseurs rate UK beers low or lower is something I have come to accept but I wonder if the home grown wise men could have a look back occasionally?
The thought was immediately prompted by opening and rating Gordons Xmas beer. But I would be interested to hear what people thought going back to Sarah Hughes Ruby Mild or Theakstons Old Peculiar or even some of the early Kernel, Brewdog. Cloudwater, et al.
Even around me in Nottingham, I wonder if the local brews that impressed can still deliver?
Let me know if your local beers have retained their charm.

Scandinavian/Nordic raters seem to use a less generous scoring system and generally seem to give a beer they rate as good a lower score than UK raters seem to do. When I have been rating Finnish beers I seem to regularly score higher than average.

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I regularly visit old rated beers - particularly Cask Ales as they change from pint to pint depending on how well they’ve been kept.
Generally I add a new updated check in on UT but delete my last one - can’t be arsed on here - sometimes I update my rate score but that’s it.
We just had a week in Keswick mainly drinking many Cask Ales in the many pubs with the Theakston OP being a particularly regularly revisited beer.
It’s not all about the ticks - enjoy drinking what you enjoy!

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I revisit Shropshire / regional cask as quite often in country pubs it’s the same familiar faces (Stonehouse bitter, Salopian Oracle, Butty Bach etc) and yes quality differs greatly. Sadly it’s below par much of the time.

Regarding other breweries such as Brewdog and Punk IPA, it’s a different beer entirely. I’ve tried again numerous times over the years and it just fills me with sadness every time.

The only old beers I’ll gladly revisit whenever I see them are classic Belgian beers (on draft preferably) or German weissbiers.

Well, I guess I respect their resistance to grade inflation but given the amount of beer from the UK they sample, it’s a surprise they find so little to delight them.
I must treat myself to an excursion to Shropshire @minutemat if there’s a Salopian venue you can recommend.
Locally, I can trust Lincoln Green and Blue Monkey on the cask side, although for something new, I increasingly look for Pentrich or Bang the Elephant over the border in Derbyshire.
As for Belgian beer, getting to grips with it is hampered by the high abv for me.

I hope you found some decent ales up in the Lakes. I still remember my first pint of Theakston’s OP was a wonder but that’s nearing 50 years ago.
Currently, I am finding it hard to give standard Bitter a decent score whereas the darker brews seem always to have more character. I put it down to my changing palate

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There are some great places here. Give me and @blackhaddock a shout if you plan a trip over :+1: