Snallygaster 2023

Here’s a loose planning thread before the chaos… @mansquito and @explosivedog , you guys coming down again this year?

Tickets already purchased.


Good chance we will be heading down as well.

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I feel partly involved with this festival !

Only because I signed up to the table service app when I was in Bluejacket in April, so they emailed me about it !

I won’t be going sadly.

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Sweet, ya @nimbleprop is actually going to come this time. @radagast83 as usual. We all have VIP this time.

Also, @beastiefan2k usually sneaks in the back and scores us free beer. How does that work at a all you can drink festival? I’ll leave it up to your imagination…

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Keep the calendar open @Theydon_Bois … you never know :rofl:

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My wife and I have shamefully purchased Very Unimportant Person passes (VUP).

Don’t worry, we’ll save some milkshake IPAs for you. Maybe a Brut IPA

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I’ve been busy dealing with house construction and all the downsides that come with it… finally making it back on RB.

Stoked for Snally this year. Last year was particularly good, not for any particular reason, but I’m just really feeling it this time. I haven’t done VIP in a few years, so hopefully it’s just as good as I remember it.

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Unfortunately, I will be in Bermuda that weekend. But I promise to bring back a Bermuda tick.

The lineup looks really good this year. I think there are more German breweries this year. I will be curious to see if I can nab a Tommie Sjef or if it will run out by the beginning of the normal session.

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A few of us have VIP, we can usually save some stuff. Have to make sure to remember to bring plastic taster cups and a marker.

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Most good. I look forward to those delectable Danish pints. I have also been advised that @explosivedog will be joining.

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Ok, full excel list online now. I’ll try to start adding beers later.

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Thank you! This is helpful as always!

Bad news: forecast is rain for the Saturday.

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Yeah, the forecast sounds a bit miserable

I went to one of the early Snallygasters where it poured from like 1-4, with only a little reprieve at the end, after we were all soaked. I brought a rain poncho, so at least I was (mostly) dry. I remember being asked by quite a few people if I had extra ones to sell. We might be able to pay off our Snally tickets if we stock up beforehand.

I guess we’ll see how it’s developing in the coming days.

Despite the rain, I had a great time hanging out with everyone at the festival!