Tilquin British Beer Fest anyone?

I think @tderoeck @martinus are going, I cannot make it :cry:

Hell yeah! Always a very nice festival! There’s even a bus from De Gentse Biervereniging driving, @bartlebier! Maybe convenient for you as well?

Trying to go, not sure yet if I can make it. Depends if I can take time off from work on Saturday, cause Sunday the children of some good friends are participating in the old Catholic tradition of Communie. Being a good uncle requires my presence, I was told.

Merci, still planning. Wordt een volle week met ZBF - Quint - Tilq.

Samen met het busje klingt gezelig, maar misschien overnacht ik weer ergens in het Pajottenland en kom met de velo, kwestie van het terroirgevoel en de extra caloriën echt te verdienen.

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Sunday evening to be confirm

Going Saturday.