Wetherspoons Beer List

Quarterly guest real ales - J D Wetherspoon

Beers from Isle of Wight and Rutland on the guest list, plenty of decent beers in my opinion (if you still enjoy Real Ale).


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SAME IOW and Rutland that do the rounds regularly!

I’ll list them here to save anyone else downloading the PDF.

Grainstore Ten Fifty • RateBeer

Goddards Fuggle-Dee-Dum • RateBeer

Got a 4 digit ID number the last one, it’s been around so long!

Yes, all us ‘old hats’ have obviously already drank them, but I rather hoped some of our newer/younger breatharian might not have had the pleasure of trying them yet.

PS, I have no shares or allegiance to Wetherspoons or Tim!


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31 beers on the list, of which I’ve already rated 13, 10 more I’ve drunk but not rated and the remained 8 are new to me. So far I’ve ticked of 1, 2 and 2 in those categories respectively. Not chasing them in any way, but it’s a handy leaflet to have.


10 out of the 31 were winners for me, which is as high a ratio as I can remember on a Spoons quarterly guest ale list for a long time. I’ve since picked up one of those locally with another four around Manchester last weekend so I’m down to 5 from this list now.