Nowt spectacular, just a very decent ale, St Austell Tribute at The Prince of Wales in Shrewsbury, following a CAMRA branch meeting. Could I get more English? (I know it’s not a traditional English beer, but whatever)
Not bad but contains grapefruit puree and I’d really like to experience the Bergamot and Emerald Spire hops on their own merit.
Besides, who wants to drink a pint of grapefruit juice (without vodka that is)?
Fresh add.
Tobacco Wood Brewing.
Cascade and Chinook.
Nice enough but a sorta “been there, done that” vibe.
Fresh add.
I’m not the original owner so something must have caused a failure for this to not have aged gracefully. Dammit.
I barely can stand the Guinness Foreign Extra Stout, not big enough for my taste, but maybe it could become my highest rated NA beer although I haven’t consumed one in over 10 years since I gave up chasing ratings.