2019 Beer Goals + Year in Review

Link to 1/2 year check: 1/2 year 2018 beer goals check?!

  1. A white month in Jan, started! - 1/2 Done! – Full Year = OK :joy:
  2. 11 new countries, currently at 169 so 180 1/2, 177 so close. Have a package on the way to me so soon at 179.Full year 177, sitting duck on 2, so 179 theoretically :skull:
  3. 30 new Swedish breweries, currently 284.
    -1/2, 298, so half way there, will be issues with this one, not many local are popping up. .Full year 323 = OK (+39) :joy:
  4. Drink less low rated beers, current average 3,24 - 1/2. 3.25 in the right direction;)
    Full = 3.26 :joy:
  5. H-index for countries up to 30, sitting at 24 now. Tough target and probably many bad beers. - 1/2 have done great efforts the last couple of days, will reach 25 today. Hope to reach 26, by next fortnight vs going to Croatia.
    Have a friend over to Iceland week 26 - so 27 by week 27. How to reach cpl targets, no clues? Full year = 27 :skull:
  6. Fix the 10 of each style, now -unblended lambic: eight German Kristall: seven, Faro: five - 1/2 Unb. Lambic - 9. Faro - five! Probably will not happen.
    Full = all at 10 except Faro still at 5 ;(, Need to go to Brussells!:skull:
  7. H- index for styles up to 50, at 45 now - 1/2. 46, 47 with in a fortnight.
    Ending with 48, very hard to achieve! :skull:
  8. Improve on regions 103 to 110. -1/2, currently 105, box that are on its way and will improve this significantly. 107 = NOK :wink:, box didn’t arrive yet::skull:

3/8 need to improve my stats

A. A white month in Jan, started it again so 1/31 part done!
B. 185 countries, currently at 177
C. 355 Swedish breweries currently at 323
D. Average from 3,26 to 3,27
E. H index for countries from 27 to 32
F. H index for styles from 48 to 53
G. Go to Brussels and Fix the Faros up to 10 – hard
H. Regions from 107 to 115

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