I tried to add a place (Zony Mash Beer Project in New Orleans) and noticed that I was not allowed. I have a username/password and can successfully add new beers. Please let me know how to have my privileges changed so I can add places.
The button is still there (at least it shows for me on breweries that have no place associated with them), but it doesn’t seem to actually do anything when I’ve added some new breweries lately.
I think I heard that admins have it, but the common folks don’t. It’s a pain because I like to beer travel and am adding new breweries and places all the time. It used to be available to all, but it got revoked during the big changeover …
Wait wait @shig@brokensail , so the “Clone this brewery to a place” button doesn’t work for you guys?
Works “perfectly” for me on Firefox and I’d venture and say Chrome. Maybe it’s an admin level thing now? By “perfectly” I mean that the coordinates are null when that’s done and need to be manually added, but the place gets created.
This sucks, this should be available to all admins and probably all premie users at least. It was most certainly abused, had to delete my fair share of cloned bullshit, but this is too restrictive if it’s limited to higher level admins.