Can't access Forum from desktop

When trying to see the forum via PC (Windows 10 Pro), surfing via Chrome 98.0.4758.102 this is what I see

Clicking on Login redirects me to the same page

that “undefined” in the url bar is likely a bad thing.

Try using a “defined” link:

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It’s the link the Platform redirects me to. Typing does not help.

I have made a video, but cannot upload it here, if needed

I’m getting the same thing, clicking the login link again seems to work, but sometimes takes more than one attempt / trying the other link button.

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Already raised this in a different thread. No reply. Seems no one cares. See below for a way around this problem.


Thank you both.

Using the link shared by yantarcoast and clicking 5/6 times as suggested by jercraigs it worked! :muscle:

Again, I can’t access the forum. Issue both from desktop and mobile.

Can anybody copy&paste the link yantarcoast mentioned in the previous reply? Hope I will be able to see it via email

Thanks :slight_smile:

This should be it. I ended up emailing it to myself and clicking the link. If it doesn’t work send me your email address and I’ll forward it to you.,1,KGWcwRR0-gIKYo2sU3tM1QrKHpuRVU9vHVm4g7RPiQAOBTQFjb5QEURCy2rC0pt7lqfA5yhE4mHhmmpiet-PxyRSxOU2NLMbTO5zNcHLf1kgnEKyA5Y,&typo=1