Euro Local Swap 2/2021

Hi all,

shall we start secnd round of this forgotten game? If yeas, here are rules:

1, You have minimum 50 ratings and no negative trade feedback. If you have no trade experience, please feel free to apply.

2, You must ship within 2 weeks of receiving your recipients name, unless you agree with your recipient different date of delivery.

3, Set amount of beer is 3 litres. Beers from your country you can get and are not available in country of your recipient. Please don’t send generally known beers, not necessarily small breweries, but definitely beers you would also like to drink. Of course beers shouldn’t already have been rated by your recipient. Please also check favorite style, wants and missing styles of your recipient. Please update your cellar, if needed.

4, Communicate with your recipient about his wants and preferences. After shipping box, send me and him tracking link.

5, If you like, add something from your country (e.g. some food, beer swag,…), but this is definitely upon your decision. It would be nice to make your parcel more interesting.

6, Please tell me if you want ship only to EU, or within Europe.

7, Post your haul when box arrives

8, Write trade feedback, rate beer. It would be nice if you mention from who you have your beer.

9, Signup closes at 16.08. 2021 17:00.

If I forgot something let me know.

I am very curious if somebody will apply



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I am in ! EU only.

I’m in - EU only (incl. CH) this time.

I’m in. EU only

If there are so many Germans, I can also send Austrian beers :austria:

Only German guys so far, anybody else? @Wendigo @midovark @rosenbergh @VastActiv @TomHendriksen @Marko @markoijelena @MarkoNm @omhper @fombe89

@Lowenbrau @SlackerMads @nisse666 @JefVerstraete
@dragnet101 how it’s with boxes frorm England?

Sure, would love to join!

@Cuso - pass on this one, thx for the invitation/ cheers

For info. This year I’ve continued to trade boxes with private individuals in EU from England no issues. Have sent to France, Germany and Denmark and received from all those plus twice from Poland. No issues experienced with customs adding taxes either way. All boxes declared as Gift / craft beer for collector / with value declared around €2/3 each - so total isn’t big but still looks reasonably declared.


I have to think for a while. Still have beers left from last swap and lots of others in my cellar…


I´m in. EU only.

I’m in

Based on the info from @Grumbo I’m ok with shipping to England and other non-EU countries.

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Sounds like you need to drink more.


Alright, let’s do this! In for EU.


I’m in. EU only :slight_smile:

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I’m also in with beers from Belgium. EU only, please.

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So , shall I count you in?

Not this time I have too much stock and am fighting BB dates. My reply was just for info.

But as most EU bottle shops no longer ship to UK it’s definitely something I’ll be interested in doing at some future point (despite most respondents excluding me - I understand and take no offence!).

OK, understand.

Let’s play :beers: ! I am in :slight_smile: Europe ok.

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