How Big is Yours

Beer collection.

Today is a two part poll.
Part 1 : how many beers do you have at home

  • Less than 10
  • 10-99
  • 100-199
  • 200-299
  • 300-399
  • 400-499
  • More than 500

0 voters

Part 2 :
How many of them are past it. Now this is up to you. a 25 year old bottle migth not be past it even if your not expecting it to be as good as fresh, as there is value in trying a 25 year old beer, or you may count a 3 month old bottle that you had last week but didnt rreally like as past it. By past it i mean something that you think has no real value to you.

  • None
  • Less than 10%
  • 10%-24%
  • 25%-50%
  • Over 50%

0 voters

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It’s all homebrew though.

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I probably should have gone less than 10% in the second part…

you can change. I realised after ward i shoudl have gone around 10 around 20 but such is life

We make our poll we live with it

GF and I combined, something ike 1500 bottles.

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We’re even building a rot-box to hold all of our beers. Wine-AC unit, R30 Insulation, vapor barrier, exterior door



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Have almost 300 bottles in my fridges and cupboards. Addicted to buying from online bottleshops…



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Given that a large part of my collection is Brewdog…a lot are definitely past it!



:scream: awesome

I lied. My GF spent 6 hours going through all of my beers. 1112 total.

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Bloody hell she must be wasted!!


oh yeah.

About 1500 bottles and 2 Sixtel kegs in the cellar and around 75 bottles on deck, plus 2 kegs tapped in the kegarator.

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A little over 200 I think. Was at 389 but drank things down to avoid the rotbox. Everything in there is either meant to be drink soon or actually intended for aging.

Just got myself below 300 again but have some more due so will go back over, I can see myself hovering around the 300 mark pretty much permanently to be honest.

Question for those of you who have 1000+ @Ratman197 @AdamChandler etc. just out of curiosity…

  1. How much of it is different beers and how much are multiples of the same beer?
  2. How much of it is stuff you will intentionally be ageing?
  3. How many do you drink per month?
  1. Its prob half different beers. With some in the 20’s or 30’s bottles
    2)about half
    3)Not enough. Esp as i cant get home these days withought having had a few in the pubs