Is ratebeer working really badly or is it just me?
Attempting to open any page except beer entries or the homepage leads to a 404 file not found error.
Is ratebeer working really badly or is it just me?
Attempting to open any page except beer entries or the homepage leads to a 404 file not found error.
Same thing for me. Maybe someone deleted or renamed something.
Yep, most of the links are giving me the same error.
I can go to and then use the search for beers/breweries and that mostly works. But any other links give me the same errors.
Same here…
Yes also here can’t log in.What to do ???
Same. Can get on the app but for the webpage of my profile I get a 404
I’ve been fine this afternoon … all ive been doing though is looking up beers.
UT however has been terrible … on and off all day!
Seems to be anything you want to do on the “legacy” screens returns 404 - File not found.
Lookup and rating on the “new” platform still works for me.
So yes, all the same here. I hope its a web nerd expert, somebody doing work on improving something sitewise.
Question: can we still rate beers? Grumbo says ‘new’ platform, not sure what that means.
By “new” I just meant what was placed on top of the legacy pages some years back.
I’ve just added and rated a beer all okay … only thing I couldn’t do was add a picture
Yes I can rate. Just did. But I can’t go through to my profile to look at my beer ratings or do anything else on a legacy screen (the light blue ones).
yup … I just hit ‘my beer ratings’ and get a 404
thats something I hadn’t used today till now
Yep, my rating stuck and hoping things will go back to normaI - I really depend on my RB ‘rated’ list when picking mixed six packs. I suspect Joe is/will be on this.
l lock out and can’t look in again only the forum works.I was rating this morning but also have some problems uploading pictures for a while.
seems like its working now?
Yes working again now
Locked out of the whole site on my laptop still can access only some pages on my phone.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the owners of RateBeer sold to someone who gave a shit? I guess they’d rather just let it slowly die.
Working fine for me today; thanks whoever fixed it.