New styles - when and what stats?

No official word.

Becoming an admin is like joining the mafia. You have to have one parent who brewed an IPA before the 2000s to become made

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Any update on when/if the style changes are going in @joet @services @Viper666.Qc?

After seeing so much open user consultation on this, I was pretty impressed thinking of resuming my premium membership. But the lack of action or info since has stopped me from doing that.




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@joet this is especially an issue because we are adding beers daily in obselete categories and would love to start adding them in the correct ones… brut ipas, NE doubles ipas and so forth.


These new styles were one thing that seemed to generate a lot of discussion, interest and energy on the forum. That is now being lost, without even a basic update.


Have to echo everyone else’s feelings here. Was genuinely excited and enthused to see all the discussion and interest from others around all these changes. It’s a shame that ~2 months after the deadline there’s been no communication on the matter. If it’s going to take some time that’s fine but it would be nice to at least hear a projected timeline for when the changes might be implemented, just to let us know that everyone’s feedback and ideas were taken on board etc.


Careful. They’ll shut ya down!:rofl:


Any news…?

On another thread it was mentioned that Oakes (IIRC) was overseeing this and that he has since gone AWOL.

He is still rating beers… so he ain’t left the site…

Even if this is the case, what is the reason why this has to be done specifically by Oakes? Are we really going to sacrifice a huge improvement to the site solely due to the absence of one admin from the forums?

There was a lot of good, useful discussion around what should and shouldn’t be a new style, and I was under the impression that by the end of it pretty much everyone was in agreement with it. In which case, surely any willing admin can perform this role?

What else needs to be done? Aren’t we just waiting for @joet to add the new styles to the database?


I’m pretty sure the problem is that they are currently spending all their time and effort splitting Belgium, Spain and Denmark into regions rather than this :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.

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If only…


I gave a final sign-off to the plan a few months ago. It’s awaiting implementation.

This is really in the hands of @joet and the devs now. For obvious reasons of not wanting me to mess things up I am not allowed into the database (nor should I be) to implement this myself.

As for what the hold up is, I’m not sure. Maybe Joe can shed some light here.


So, Joet is running RateBeer alone, like a one-man-mission??? Just wonder: what happens to RB if he gets tired of all this and suddenly decides to give a shit and abandon this troubled ship? Will RB be history then? Members left alone not able to do anything?

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I was quite surprised when I realized this. Doesn’t feel very assuring.

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Let’s hope Mr. RateBeer is still alive…

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That’s how Joe got the website in the first place :smiley:

Maybe it will be up for sale of Craigslist when he gets fed up.
How much would you pay to take over?

Well, I hoped that AB InBev came with a hell lot of money…

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