Questions: If ratebeer could add one MAJOR feature set, or change the site in some MAJOR way in order to modernize, improve itself? FINAL ANSWER: BUG FREE, STREAMLINED TO NEW DESIGN

Damn. That might make it worth going home and doing the two weeks in my parents basement quarantine

My finders fee is a tick from each region. Thank you

I believe this bug was fixed recently. If not, let me know and Iā€™ll take a look at it again.

Services @ RateBeer

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Check today seems like it has been resolved.

But do not trust that before it goes some time.

Ref. Sorting top raters of a brewery issue and weeks before even the smalest hi from you guys when the login issue was running at its worst.

Seeing is beliving and in your case seeing over time is believing you guys are experts in destroying it again next day.


I understand the distrust, and Iā€™ll work towards making sure things are better. There is a lot of complexity with the legacy site, the modern site and the way some of those changes were made.

Actively the best I can do is to slowly work on each issue to try and get them right.

Services @ RateBeer



Is this still what admins and developers are working on? Any hope of ever getting more countries split up into regions? What about adding collab brewers on a beer page as a link so we donā€™t have the comparatively uglier Evil Twin / Westbrook / Other Half set up?



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Any hope getting bugfixes done prior to new improvements that provides more bugs?

Itā€™s probably safe to say there will always be bugs. I havenā€™t seen major ones in a bit, but I might not be lurking around the right RB basements. If most of the major stuff is ironed out, I donā€™t see why we canā€™t do something new. If we wait for every last bug, weā€™ll never get anything new

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My two-penneth (updated):

New to the site at the time, I was one of those advocating an easier website to navigate as well as bug fixes. To any newcomer the website really is like a maze to navigate with broken links and changes of styles between old and new pages.

Several months on Iā€™m starting to revaluate. Assuming there is little investment forthcoming from their cash strapped nano-brewery masters, and taking into account points that some of the website is basically home-coded, it makes me wonder whether the best we can hope for in this regard is just the moderate to major bugs being fixed but no real amalgamation between the old and new sites. Obviously, people will have their own determination of what is an important bug to fix is so that will always be tricky.

Maybe now though is the time to keep the members more engaged with new features such as more countries split by regions as has been mentioned. Its also no doubt a more exciting project for those that will work on this, far more than bug fixes ever will, and therefore we may see more productive results.

However it would still be nice to have some feedback to how they intend to have a more integrated and (relatively) bug free website in the medium to long term.

Thing is, thereā€™s isnā€™t TOO MANY bugs remaining right now. Much of the remainings however are still mostly on the old design pages (even after all those years) and some of them are breaking the site totally (like having most non-English places geolocations automatically generated wrong or not generated at all).

For the rest having the site running on 2 different platforms for such a long time without any new design releases feels like it is an abandoned project, especially that many links are dead or not updated like they should be. Also by the fact that most Google search results about the website still redirect to old design pages, even for pages which have more recent build.

I am f##Ā¤%ing getting tired of hearing saying ā€œthere are no bugsā€. what is it with the users of RB? Is it only used by a bunch of blind people or?
As a sample: This one I have been screeming about for a year now, nothing happends.
That shoudl be a easy bug to fix. And there are plenty more inconsistensies if you check numbers present.

That was just one sample. There are many more.

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In addition to nilsas having five bonus styles. The desktop version of ratebeer continues to ask me to Login/Sign Up. Some how the top fifty per style is not accurate. I could go on, but lets see if these get fixed first. Also if we can make it to where brand new users are unable to add new places this would help reduce a bunch of nonbeer related places.


I also continue to have semi-frequent login issues.

Well, keep posting them, Iā€™m always compiling them and harassing constantly @services about it :stuck_out_tongue:

I will keep posting when I see any results.

Posting bugs as stated above that I have posted several times for last year now and nothing happends as usual is waste of time. Seems like @joet and @services want us all to move on to Uā€¦ instead.
Let them start fixing if they care for the RB users. Showing like this is not proving that, neiher is weeks running away before they even responded on forums that they at least was a ware that users could not login at all.

Told you many times before @joet SEEING IS BELIEVING.
So far I do not see that or maybe Iā€™m blind like the ones that clame there are no bugs.
And on top of that while writing this the webside became unaccessible and did freeze. And before someone ask no its not my netwrok other sites works fine.

And Still now 15 min later the site is still not 100% up and are responding wird.
Damn let them fix it before they start adding newā€¦ or is that what they did today since it is not working?

You need a cold beer :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I know, but you canceled the gathering last saturdayā€¦ :slight_smile:
You might say that above is a mission impossible.

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