Following on in the series of random stats linking English Counties together i thought i’d do the “What if all Yorkshire was one region” list. Again this is picked up from the individual “top 50’s” for each county. Obvious to say but the includes East, North, South and West Yorkshire.
I guess top spot isn’t in doubt with @manvsbeer big 1762 rates for West Yorkshire alone. I have gone to place 21 as thats where I appear.
Also a few behind you for Wales which is only going to get worse after we moved the Caravan out of Wales in the winter. I have become disillusioned with Ratebeer and don’t really hunt out new ticks anymore. I tend to drink my favourite ciders or Red Wine at the moment.
I am currently making my way through some homebrew whilst watching the recorded Rugby League over breakfast after my final night shift for the week.
Homebrew tastes great at 8am.
Not great but not bad for someone who gets a nosebleed on a day trip to Stoke. My experience of the North is probably even less than a Man United supporter.
I’d like to think I’ve improved my embarrassing position here. After a few trips to Yorkshire when my wife was working in Leeds in 21/22, I’m on all 4 Yorkshire leaderboards (if only just - 50th for West Yorkshire at 298)
to give an idea of how much time someone with zero IT skills can do this it took me 2 mins to copy and paste the 4 counties in question then order by name
after that its a case of just totting up the scores of the individuals
took me a further 2 mins to do 6 or 7
Therefore the whole task with no formula or pivot table … 20 something minutes
maybe you can share your pivot table with Jeremy and he can produce stats at will?
Shit @Theydon_Bois look out for shit loads of bollox now you’ve paved the way for me! Still not too sure how to paste and eat stuff though. Might have to drink more of this new ‘Craft Stuff’ before I fully understand how to be a modern ticker/rater chap.