The Great County of Yorkshire

I assume this data is taken from the Top 50 tables? In which case anyone above who does not feature on one of those tables will have zero count for that county so the numbers above are not their totals, just the Top 50 totals? Doesn’t impact me at all as I’m in the two hundreds I think - just a casual observer.

(does that even make sense - I wrote it and I’m not sure!)

@reidyboy Yeah, I just copied from the top 50 lists, so if you’re not in the top 50 you’re not included.

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So you can do it the more manual way I suggested

Idiot proof

I did: Time for another Yorkshire Git Stat Check - Regional Forums / United Kingdom and Ireland - RateBeer Forums


Thanks! I’m on 666 beers :metal: at 39th place. 36th on the leaderboard of leaderboards with 51. I’m happy with that