Upload photos for beer here

I’m just going to start an ongoing forum where people can upload their photos of beer where the beer doesn’t already have a photo. Since we can’t just add photos to beers like we used to be able to. In the spirit of forum chat feel free to add a few comments or a haiku or whatever. But make sure the haikus aren’t too good or the the thread will get kicked into the lounge. This beer was happily enjoyed on Fort Lauderdale beach. Pretty good light but dark beach beer, if you catch my gist. Here’s photo, upload please.



Great idea. Potential for a very well used thread!

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Why not click on vertical dots and email the picture so it is directly tied to the beer?

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Because emailing from dots takes you out of sight, but not in the Jefferson airplane sense, and fucked if I’m ever going to do that.

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My evil plot here is just to get the Man to reinstate our ability to add a photo to a beer, at least when there isn’t any there. I can add a new beer, add any photo for that new beer, so why am I not responsible enough to add a photo to an existing beer without a photo?

Or how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?


Not saying I’m against letting more users update pictures, but one difference is that for new beers an admin can ensure it’s an appropriate picture when verifying the beer. (Caveat: there are a lot of unverified beers…) If anyone could update the picture later we would probably want some sort of verification process to ensure it’s a decent picture (or better one compared to the existing one).

I might be the only admin still processing the photos e-mail account, and over 50% of the pictures submitted need some sort of processing (cropping, straightening, etc) or aren’t of high enough quality or have to be rejected for other reasons (or I have to google a better picture).

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Simple in my mind is that…

Everyone should be able to upload a picture if there is no picture on the beer already.
That is in my mind better than no picture at all.

If there exist a picture that should be an admin task to replace not everyone.

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It usually takes a little while but I’ve not really had a problem adding pics. I just added yours. :v:

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Not sure if anyone else has already uploaded this, but I just added the pic so it should be up soon.

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Here’s another one. For this beer:


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Hey now! :rofl:

I think this is great!
Another scenario is the beer whose label art has been completely redone.
Sometimes a brewer even revamps the entire line’s cachet (ex. Highland a few years ago).
Here’s their O’fest:

You guys may giggle but I will even submit “corrections” with no actual correction other than a note that I’m adding the beer’s pic. This takes me to the “old” page where I can quickly and easily upload a pic and see it posted a few minutes later (rather than eventually or never via the email).


That’s a great trick. I’ll try to remember that

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Great tip. I managed to fall for the ‘press enter’ at description stage issue and posted a new beer too early. Requested an ABV correction as nothing was entered and then via the old page uploaded the photo.

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I’m glad to hear this has helped someone.
It’s clunky as shit but…
Also, it only works for a beer with no pic.
Even from that location, I’ve found no workaround for updating an existing pic.

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It worked for me @malvrich


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This thread has been so helpful (also @solidfunk mentioned it at our last DC tasting).

I have a huge backlog of beer bottles and cans that I’ve been holding onto for years in hopes of restoring the image upload option. The email option has been clunky at best to send images for already created beers and I don’t like it at all.

If there’s a concern about the quality of the images uploaded for already created beers, how about either allow only premium users and/or users with a huge number of rated beers? I feel like a user with a few thousand beers rated probably can be a trusted source. I think an image, even a crappy image of a label would be better than nothing at all at this point.

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Exactly. We should be mature enough to put beer photos up. Uploading nutsack photos would only be amusing for a few beers, then we’d lose interest and do things properly…


As I recall from long ago, it was a virus issue - part of the caution after the Asian attack of long ago.
" *Because a JPEG file is an image file the virus won’t be ‘released’ until the image is processed. The truth is that images can play a big part in hiding malicious code. For instance a JPEG, or other type of image file, can easily contain additional bits of data without noticeably affecting the image’s appearance."