Österlenbryggarna / Två Bryggare / Briggeriet i Ystad / Möllers Bryggeri... vafan?

Så, den här situationen verkar vara lite för komplicerad för att uttrycka mig snabbt nog med min nuvarande nivå av svenska (jag behöver börja läsa svenska tidningar och böcker mer tror jag)… so I’ll just use English lest my brain explodes.

So the story started with a svagdricka brewery (TomelillaBryggar’n?) in Tomelilla. Then I guess the same family opened a brewery with a restaurant in Ystad (Ystad Bryggeri), ?both joined into Briggeriet i Ystad?. The restaurant was a separate company and/or leased to others, with maybe some % ownership retained by the brewery company owners.

In 2002 “Briggeriet i Ystad AB” went into konkurs, was bought by a “Två Bryggare i Skåne AB”, which was at some point changed or taken over by “Österlenbryggarna AB” (but the Två Bryggare brand stayed later and seems to have stopped being used late 2014). Beer was brewed in Ystad, bottled at Tomelilla. In April 2017 they opened a new brewey in Brösarp and used both - färsköl at Ystad, the rest at Brösarp (Tomelilla became the location at offices). Somewhere around that time, the company switched to Anno 1953 AB.

At the other hand, the restaurant part of the brewpub changed owners several times after it was repeatedly run into the ground (at least 2004, 2013, 2017). The last bankrupcy was in late 2017, and it was taken over yet again, but this time renamed to Möllers Bryggeri.

As I said, the Ystad brewery apparenlty kept brewing regardless of what was happening at the restaurant, until Kenth Persson, the brewer, died in 2019, and then Österlenbryggarna didn’t renew their licence, so no brewing was done there.

Interestingly, the property owner got a few articles out in early spring 2020 how they are looking for a new brewer to use te equipment. On the other hand, in May 2020, Möllers had gotten beers brewed for it brewed at… of course, Österlenbryggarna.

That leaves a few questions:
-Should Två Bryggare / Österlenbryggarna / Bryggeriet i Ystad be renamed to just Österlenbryggarna - since, AFAIK the other brands have not been used in ages?
-The brewery has a shop so I will make a new place entry. However, the old restaurant is here as “Bryggeriet i Ystad / Två Bryggare”. Is everyone okay with retiring that one and opening a new restaurant entry Möllers Bryggeri? Only the location remains the same, everything else seems to have changed.
-does anyone have info what happened to the brewery part of the place in the meantime? still unused?

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All their brews that I have tasted was down the pipes class :wink: - I know it didn’t help…