Trying to stir up more forum activity - Monthly Beer Style

August 1st is National ipa day just for awareness.

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I’m glad that day is over :wink:


Booooooooo :grinning:

August was missed?

What about September? We already did O’fests and Pumpkins last year. Perhaps:

  • Beers in 12oz (or 330mL if you are not 'Merican :slight_smile: ) BOTTLES. That seems to be becoming a rarity.
  • Crowlers/growlers only
  • Find a slow pour near you and snap a pic of all that head (this might be tough for many)
  • Lambic (go out there and buy a Lindemans RC at least)
  • Your fav regularly available beer
  • Cider (for @MicroGrog)

Shandy while we still can.

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Lambic would be my choice.

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anything that is a beer style we haven’t done. none of this beer with kitties or on a boat stuff.


What we thinking?

  • Lambic
  • Cider
  • Oktoberfest (again)
  • Red Ales
  • Other
0 voters

How about we close this off shortly and post the thread in 24 hours?

There is a certain logic to saying Oktoberfest this month (because they’re mostly available now) and then do cider next month (to save us procrastinating until the middle of the month).

sorry guys, I just got access back to forums. Glad we figured it out.