USA and beer packs

How is the situation in New York? Are singles normal or do I have to buy them from specialized shops?

Easy to say. But there were no specialised beer shops most of our route, certainly none on RateBeer. My point was Breweries and liquor stores not selling singles is completely baffling to a European.

That’s one of the reasons I love State Line Liquors in Elkton MD. My beer store. You can buy singles of ANY beer in the store and I believe that’s probably over 5K to choose from. Growler/Crowler bar with 30 some taps pouring also. :+1:t2:


I don’t think any brewery in the city does singles but every beer store does and there are lots of them.


I second what explosivedog says. There are a number of great singles shops in New York: City Beer, Brouwerij Lane, Bier Witch, and even places like Oktoberfest in Brighton Beach. Breweries will generally not sell single cans (except in rare occasions high abv stouts), but pretty much everyone who sells bottles sells those individually.

Edit: initially wrote Brouwerij West, but meant Brouwerij Lane.


I agree it is shitty breweries in the US don’t usually sell singles. However you drove from Boston, MA to Portland, ME and think there are no good bottle shops on ratebeer with singles on that route?

Julio’s is like the best bottle shop around & is directly on that route.

We actually drove from Boston to Cape Cod, then to Portland. My approach to the trip from the outset was to pick up a can or two from brewpubs as I went along, given I was calling at so many, rather than get a 20-can haul from one place, so beer shops weren’t on my radar.

Luckily, the odds & ends I got from a Cape Cod liquor store were enough while we were there, and I got some singles from Foundation in Portland.

In hindsight, if I knew 4-packs were the rule before the trip I’d have probably done more research on beer shops.

Looks like a great place but doubt we would’ve called by as cant justify a 50 mile / half hour detour with my partner. Her tolerance for beer stops stretches only so far! :smile:

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reasonably priced singles might put overpriced tap beer in jeopardy

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In truly game changing news for myself and probably slightly interesting news for @martjoobolut, I went to Finback yesterday and they now offer $22 mixed four packs.