You’ll have to run it again. Many places are still missing because they are not showing… you have to replace the city URL region number (the first one of the two) by zero to make them all appear.

All cities must be done this way…

I just finished H to K now.

@services, any chance you could fix that bug?

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I read what you said, it’s just not universally understood that “up” means backwards and “down” means alphabetically. That’s what I didn’t understand. So you are going backwards now, and on O? Then I will start at H and then go to I etc.

Ah nevermind, see that @Viper666.Qc has it.

Also saw some weird things like Veurne, the little number says 8, but only three places listed?

That’s what Viper mentioned now, noticed it too. I’ll look through what I’ve already done. Fucking buggy pile of excrement.

:stuck_out_tongue: nuff said

I noticed the same thing when I was in the US a few years back. For some reason Trader Joe’s beers were not allocated a State. Once an admin was informed every bodies Californian ratings went up (Trader Joe’s Head Office is in California).

As you suggest, I will take a look at what may be the issue. I have no cider, mead or sake rates for Belgium that I know of, so it’s not one of those!


PS. Thanks for doing all the hard graft with Glen and the rest.

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@marko, my West Flanders total just jumped up 5 beers, you found something?

Only 5 more to locate!

Thanks again.


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Just totted mine up, my regions do add up to my Belgian total exactly so looks like it is working.

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I am still 5 adrift but I think @marko is looking after me!


When I did a calculation similar to @BlackHaddock, I was one short. Was easy to find the missing one, so I set the region for .

After we believe we are done, can @services maybe run an SQL query and list all the Belgian open/closed breweries/cideries/etc that are missing a region? In the Admin forums if that’s appropriate?

Seems you tried one from 't Hofbrouwerijke that I just added region for, so probably down to four now?

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Cheers @CH-303, Antwerp has just risen one to 72 rates!

As you said, four pesky ones to find.


“A” to “L” cities done.

Must go for now, might have some time later.

Could someone please verify the TOP CITIES using the trick I gave above (didn’t know it back then) just to check if some places were already not showing before I started going through the list?

Think I’ve found them (my 4 missing beers) TITS and TOTEM.

Can I place them into their correct Province or would an Admin type prefer to get it right?


Well all users can edit places right now, so it’s not an admin thingy anymore, you can do it if you like…
but don’t mess up :stuck_out_tongue:

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They both seem to have a region now, maybe someone has already added it?

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I’ve just found about 10 breweries, cideries and meaderies without a region. All updated now. Have another check on your numbers.

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I’ve found a string of breweries that were without a region too. Fixed.

I’ve also went and fixed cities from N to Z on Places. That SHOULD be good now.

@BlackHaddock all okay now? fixed Tits (hah!) and Totem.


Alright, fixed the remaining cideries and meaderies from what I can see.

Wignac is troublesome. Set down in Brussels (and right now it’s there). But it’s actually a client cidery from what I can see. Weird. Claim a seat in France, but market only in Belgium? Wha?

M is done too for places. All over now?

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