How do UnTappd scores affect guest spending at your brewery?

“While Untappd may be a great way to log your beer history, it is not a reliable data point to compare beer quality”

So does RateBeer do better? Inquiring minds want to know.


Makes me wonder how many breweries fall into each score spread. There are round 40 breweries with 4.2+ score, again wonder how many of those are without taproom. Could food be the reason for spending more in low rated breweries?

For one I know untappd scores affect my vacation plans,


Several full body cringe moments there. This section is beyond clueless (are the “minutes spent” numbers different from each other given the sample size?; do the spending numbers refer to the same sort of customers? - it’s all just looking at a table of numbers and imagining that they mean something):

To-go spending

Next, let’s look at whether guests spend more time at breweries with higher Untappd ratings. Guests spend the most time at breweries rated 3.75 to 3.99 and the least time at breweries rated 4 to 4.43.

Untappd Rating Minutes Spent Amount Spent ($)
2.47-3.49 112.49 48.58
3.5-3.74 110.09 42.48
3.75-3.99 112.55 41.59
4-4.43 102.65 45.31

Is this because a greater portion of the guests visiting 4 to 4.43 rated breweries may visit with the goal of purchasing beer to go? On visits when guests purchased to-go beer, the average Untappd rating was 3.77, versus 3.70 when they did not purchase to go. The guests who purchased to go spent an average of $53.46 versus those who didn’t make the added purchase spending $40.68. This is a 31.4 percent increase when the guest purchases beer to go.


Could be the breweries with the higher ratings but lower time spent being because they have higher abv beers? Just throwing that out there.

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Where food is good, food is likely to get more $ than beer, unless the beer is really good and I’m not driving.