Logging into ratebeer.com

I can get onto the Forum side of things but I can’t get into my profile or rate the 18 ticks I put in yesterday!

I tried to add a place this morning and of course I had to identify myself, so I logged off and it hasn’t let me log on again.

I am not IT minded, so if someone can just post a link that allows me to get going again I would appreciate it.

PS. Have tried using various ways of logging on already!


Don’t ask how, because I have no idea why, but I’ve managed to get back ‘on’.

I tried to click on My Local on my BlackHaddock page and it asked me to log on and it allowed me to do so! Bloody weird stuff.



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I’m just curious if this log in problem is causing any new potential ratebeerians to be turned away from joining the site? Is it hindering ratebeer user growth?

Sadly, this is definitely happening. If users don’t see the instructions for how to log in, i.e., via the Legacy part of the site, they will likely give up, as I’ve had confirmed from several people.

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Shouldn’t this therefore be the number one priority supporting the longevity of RB? Its been going on for how long now?

Yes, it would be if there was anyone employed by ABI to work on the site, but there hasn’t been for a while now. Joe T is the only one with access to the back-end, and he only has so many resources. Unless some ownership change is made, this is unfortunately the state of things.

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You think a memo to ZX Ventures, AB InBev’s global growth and innovation division could help?

ZX folded, so RB is just floating around as a zombie asset somewhere in ABI now. They don’t intend to really do much with the asset, unfortunately, unless someone could somehow convince them to divest it (which they might be willing to do).

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What does Joe T even do now? He might have limited resources, but does he use them to any purpose? I haven’t heard of him doing very much of anything for quite a while…

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He’s damn quick adding all the frickin pics I send him! I send a few to lemme tell ya! :rofl:

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Oh my, that may be his designated IT expert help. Should we contact him? OK, Joe: Let us know WIH?