STATES / REGION for all countries

Probably by now, the best thing they should do with the Brewer Directory page would be to make it look like the Place Directory page until they update it someday to the Phoenix design.

It looks more polish, works way better with Mobile, it’s quicker to find the countries that way and the country with regions don’t take all the place (especially if we get more than 5 in a near future)

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Did a Belgian admin ever weigh in on the splitting we should do there? If not I’ll post a topic over there in that forum. I can do french, but the old flemish ain’t what it used to be.

Aight screw it I just opened a potential can of worms:

I contacted Joris a couple of weeks back, he reckons that all the Belgian Admins left when InBev took over here, including himself. He had no arguments against the proposed split but suggested unless we can find a new Admin we would have to handle it ourselves.


I keep a spreadsheet back up of all my rates. Mainly as a just in case, but also as I rate on untapped, where names of beers etc. can be different. My spreadsheet allows me to compare both RateBeer and Untapped scores. On this spreadsheet I have taken the leap and broken all my countries into regions.

Most were really simple, as I used the boundaries that exist on Google Maps, and a check on Wikipedia for the administrative regions. There were a few that through out some anomalies (small countries with 100’s of regions or larger ones with very little breakdown). But generally it was a simple process.

For Belgium I used the following 11 Provinces, the 3 Regions (coloured) felt to small:

Google Maps only splits Belgium down to 3 regions, so this was one of the harder regions to split.

While I agree local knowledge can help (and both Google Maps and Wikipedia have errors), I’m not convinced local knowledge would lead us to anything different. For users simple regions that are on Google Maps and/or are explained in wikipedia will make it easier for us to identify the correct region when adding breweries and places.

Also it’s worth remembering breaking down countries into regions only makes sense if there are multiple places and breweries in the new region. Otherwise it is no longer a way of grouping for reporting purposes.


Yes, these are the 11 regions we are discussing adding to the site. Belgium really needed to be done years back but always got put off by the size of the country. We get the feeling that as soon as the Australian work is completed in the New Year it will be full steam ahead.

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I guess there will be a lot more leg work with Belgium (once the regions are in place). Can updating breweries and places only be done by Admins, or is it something other users could do. I would be more than happy to volunteer I’m sure some other people would be happy to help too.

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I’ll let you know. I think certainly places can be done by others but I would hope it could be by a selected few as we need to avoid mistakes creeping in. I’m certainly looking forward to this one.


I am for sure hoping Norway would be on the map for “Norske Fylker” (regions) soon.
Below is print from my personal database that I maintain beside RB for my Beer and place ratings. Doing that database because I do not trust that Inbev one day pull out the plug for RB.



@nilsas my Norway stats are significantly lower, but based on the same regions:

Region Count
Oslo 26
Rogaland 13
Vestland 9
Agder 8
Trøndelag 3
Viken 1
Vestfold og Telemark 1

Belgium next please @services.


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Well, the whole process to add Regions to a Country took more or less a week and it wasn’t done in years…that isn’t that bad actually…( and It also probably helped fixed a few cities at the same time)… I don’t see why we couldn’t keep up the pace from there, it should get easier each time with more practice… I’m ready for Russia’s 85 subdivisions :wink:


Agree, I’m ready to throw in my time to help as I don’t think we have any Belgian Admins operational at present.


Definitely up for it.


What are we waiting for???

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@nilsas, a chicken or an egg I suppose?


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@BlackHaddock, Well some like them both. Without going any deeper.


I’m just still stunned we got the Australia split. Since it’s been 15+ years in the coming, anytime in the next 10 years is an improvement :rofl:

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A very good point…


Well regions for Belgium should be there now. Along with a few changes to pages to allow for more dynamic regions, etc based on what we learnt from adding Australia.

Please let me know if there are any issues and I will do my best to get on top of them quickly. In the meantime hopefully the future is a little more enjoyable.

Services @ RateBeer


Also does mean I will need the help of all the admins to start moving brewers and places to the right regions.
