2022 Beer Goals + Year in Review

So since the 2021 have pasted it can be reviewed - here is the link to the 1/2 year check, if interested? 1/2 beer goals check 2021

  1. One White calendar month – Started😉 - 1/2 year: Jupp!
    Full - Still OK!
  2. 200 countries currently at 197 (keeper) - 1/2 year: 198 (+ one in the celler).
    Full - 200 done!
  3. 425 Swedish breweries currently at 409, hard vs Covid19 - 1/2 year: 428 Done!
    Full - 445 still done!
  4. Average 3,3 to 3,4 - 1/2 year: 3,31
    Full - 3,32 NOK (seems like this will take years or that the calc. have changed
  5. H index for countries from 27 to 32 (keeper), currently at 29 - 1/2 year: 30
    Full - 30, still NOK need more help with Hungary, Ukraine or South Africa, plzz
  6. H index for styles from 56 to 58! - 1/2 year: 56,5 need to drink more Keller bier and flavored porters
    Full - 58, OK😉 (8 Keller bier/pils in 2021, 2 wee heavy and 5 flavored Sasion did it)
  7. Faros to 10, currently at 7 (keeper): 1/2 year: 7, one will be consumed this this weekend
    Full - 8 as assumed
  8. Regions from 110 to 115 (keeper) – currently 114. - 1/2 year: 324 regions, zzzz
    Full - 327 regions, OK
    3 out of 8;) - so far… after ½ year. For the full year 5 - yeah😉

So for the 2022 it’s probably going to be hard. There will be loads of restrictions, so impossible to travel, few beer festivals etc. (unfortunately). Here are the goals:

  1. Full white month begging of year (started).
  2. 203 countries – currently at 200.
  3. 500 new Swedish brewers, currently 445.
  4. Average 3,35 -currently 3,32.
  5. H index for countries from 27 to 32 (old keeper) – currently 30.
  6. H index for styles 60! – Currently 58!
  7. Faros to 10! Currently 8… no clue :wink:.
  8. Regions 350. Currently 327!