Craft Beer in Santiago de Compostella

Hi people

Might be in S de C for a week next April. Wonder if anyone has any advice about the craft beer scene there (aside from what is on Rate Beer). I’ve found a 2015 article on the Huff Post but seems a few of their recommendations are no longer operating.

@Taboada can probably help you.

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Hi there!
Basicallywe have 3 craft beer places in town:

If you want to visit other places: Estrella Galicia owns a Good looking bar called “La Galiciana”, here you can find “tapas” and all Estrella Galicia beer range (and some brands distributed by them, such as Brewdog, O´Haras…).

If you have any other question just let me know.


Cheers Alex! That’s great info to have.

Be on the lookout for Jacobsland. One of the best breweries in Spain, at least when it comes to IPAs, and they are located in SdC.

Thanks! I’ll keep my eyes out for them.