New styles whining and bitching (grouping of posts from different New styles topics) Some out of sync

and wat if you just focused on the crashes of the site? because I’ve never ever seen such an unstable homepage as rb is.

People won’t leave a beer rating site simply because new styles were added. Do you realise how crazy you sound saying that?

“oh no, Ratebeer added new styles. I can’t handle it, I must leave now because there are too many styles and I cannot cope.” Get a grip man Jesus Christ. It’s hardly a dealbreaker. I think a more likely scenario is the vast majority of people actually couldn’t give a shit about styles. What we have here is a minority calling for more styles and a minority calling for them to stay the same. Forum users themselves are a minority as it is.

You have a point about focusing on site crashes and all that but come on… you’re being rather melodramatic over this.
I’m currently unable to rate any beers, or even use the website/app right now, which is why I’m back in this thread again replying to people :upside_down_face:


You really think people will leave if more countries are split up into regions? Seriously?


you really see any benefit of these kind of changes? seriously?


do you realize how crazy it is to split styles further? will you continue it up until having as many styles as beers? or when will you stop it? now you are losing the connection with people who just like beers. as an example: I will most probably never add any new beer or send any correction to your database, because I can’t distinguish among styles you artificially created.
so there is a homepage about beer ratings, which in practice cannot be used to rate beers because of the crashes - but at least it has as many beer styles as you cannot even imagine - great! good luck to compete against untappd!

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To be honest I think RateBeer has taken a much better approach to this than Untappd, for example, which has a clusterfuck of styles. “Black & Tan”, anyone? Or how about “Pilsner – Other”? Or maybe “Lager – Winter”?


While I have some problems with certain styles (the discussion is ongoing at the admin forum), I think that separating “x - flavored” styles is one of the best improvements rb has made.


Then I am truly sorry that you cannot understand that a Milkshake IPA belongs in the “IPA - Milkshake” style.

All of these styles are well defined and commonly marketed. Which ones are you struggling to understand? I think brewers are very good these days about telling the consumer what style their beer is.


Oh boy. We forgot to add alcopop style. Can we get this fixed ASAP?


Then I truly sorry that you are changing rb to a small group of users’ playground living in an ivory tower - it’s obviously up to you to do so. good luch for that!

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What is so wrong to try to classify the beers the way they are marketed as such? We are adding styles that have establish tendencies and in order to reflect people specific tastes.

If someone is especially looking for Milkshake IPAs and they are all crammed with American IPAs, they just won’t find them. (and don’t tell me that we have Tags for that…a tag search for a specific substyle is basically the same as searching for a substyle)

The way you are describing it, the website would just be better without any style mention, you just put them all in the same pot.

In the future, many substyles will probably be grouped in families (ie IPAs, Pale Ales, Stouts…) and in Dominance group (ie Malt-Forward, Roast, Sour…) for personal stats and awards…


please feel free to make as many styles as you want (I’ve checked it a couple of munites ago - now it is 127 - yesterday it was 119…) - and please be reassured that the majority of beer lovers does not care about your efforts; we just simply like to taste and drink beers and that’s it. is it something really valuable to create something with a great amount of efforts which is used only by a small group or you?

I have been told as an arguement not to use RB people saying it is “too complicated”. Guess this change might actually prove em right


Lots of em. I’m on my phone right now but I will try and explain my difficulties to you as soon as I am back home on my desktop.


If so why do you seem so upset about this?


If it was a substyle, fine. But now it is a style on its own. Totally different thing.


No you missed the point (at least mine but I think it’s the same)

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  1. Yes thank god. Grouping into head styles is basically making all those niche substyles irrelevant for my stats. Finally.

  2. Dominance group: idem. Great for personal stats

  3. Awards: please make sure there is a way to turn this off


By awards, I didn’t mean user awards (though maybe ZX will be tempted to Venture that way in the future…I honestly don’t know) like Untappd medals… I meant it for brewers.

for sure this will be caae ,unfortunately