Péché Day postpone

From their Facebook page:

Dear customers,

We are sad to announce that, due to the COVID-19 situation, we feel it necessary to postpone Péché Day until saturday, April 25th 2020, for our two pubs in Montreal & St-Jérôme.

We strive to be a socially responsible company, and we wish to follow the government recommendations concerning public health & safety. Specifically, the advisory to cancel non-essential events.

We are currently communicating this news to all participating bars worldwide in order to learn of their plans and/or postponement dates. We will update this information as soon as we hear back. It may be that this year, Péché Day is celebrated at a few different times throughout the world!

The Péché Day brunch in St-Jérôme has also been postponed until the 25th of April 2020. We will communicate with all those who have reservations in order to make new arrangements.

As of this moment, our two pubs remain open and will maintain regular hours. As always, please pay special attention to the government recommendations, and enjoy your visit!


pas mal tous les événements micros sont postponed

like karaoke?