RBESG - Plzeň / Prague - 19.7.-21.7. CONFIRMED!

Is somebody in Plzeň? Just sittin in Beerfactory after Raven at Mozartova, heading to Raven on center for a while.

Not to Raven but minipivovar groll, if anybody is interested.

I ll be there in 20 minutes

Nice. Me in 10 minutes, blue tshirt with brewery tanks on it. :slight_smile:

Grol seems closed, we’ll have to think about something else

3/3 Croats are the last men standing. :wink:


Morgen mee naar Nepomuk?
@Cuso you joining the Nepomuk train? Would be fun to meet some of my trading partners🍻

Yes. I will. :beers:

Ja, op tijd op het station

Ik moet eerst nog even in de stad om wondzalf (teveel gelopen…) maar hoop er dan tegen de middag bij te komen.

I will also go to Nepomuk from Plzen, hopefully gonna be on time for the 9:45 meetup.

Guess who… One guess allowed.

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The 10.03 to Brno, stopping in Nepomuk 10.30 departs from platform 8

perfect, i am here in Plzen already.

We are in station hall.

Can you please relay which platform the 10:08 Nepomuk train leaves from and where the train from Prague arrives at? :smile: we will likely be late and/or in a hurry.

Sign says 955. No platform yet for the 1008

Prag train arrives at platform 3

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1008 from platform 12

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