SHIG Made it to England!

I just wanted to check in with the UK contingent and let everyone know I made it safe to England yesterday. I will be setting up residence in Bury St Edmund, but until we find a place I am currently staying at RAF Lakenheath lodging. I’ll probably be low key until @chriso pre-GBBF event. I will say I did ship some Alaskan beers to share at some point when my house hold goods arrive. I’m excited to be back in Europe and first time living in England. Bring on the hote cask golds…Cheers, Shawn


Welcome to Suffolk, you’ll love it. Still plenty of village pubs and historical sites in that part of England, make the most of it while you are here.


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I am happy to help out with English lessons for you !

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Yes, but he’s in Suffolk so will need this:


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Hope to catch up with you sometime in London, but definitely for the pre GBBF Shindig

Definitely look forward to it, you’re on my rater to rate whales list.