Bermondsey Saturday 13th October

Very sorry to see that, get well soon!

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I’m definitely still interested in the ticket and am sure I can compensate you down the road for the trouble.

With the travel in the morning to get there 1100 probably works better for me. As I figured that’s when I would probably get there anyways. I’m still excited to make my second trip to the area, but super bummed that @Taboada can’t make it. Hope you get better soon!

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My mobile number is +447383028392 if that helps to get in contact with me tomorrow.

Thank you guys. Im fine…but i need to rest and to have a bathroom close! :roll_eyes:
I think that take a plane for a beer trip is not the best option for me. I feel very sorry because I had all paid and planned…but hopefully I could hit the area in the next spring or summer.

@SHIG no need of compensation. Just have fun. I will send you a beermail with the tickets.

Well @SHIG and @BeerViking I hope to see you both tomorrow. It depends on when I wake up tomorrow and how I feel as to when I turn up. But will certainly be around The Bottle Shop/Anspach & Hobday area 10.00 to 11.30. After that who knows???

Headed out from Bury St Edmunds in second. If my driving and tube calculations are on point, should be around 1100 when I’m in the area.

I’m running late - of course! - thanks to kids, breakfast, etc. Hoping to be in the area by 11.30, maybe 11.45. I’ll text you to check progress…

Good afternoon out with SHIG and BeeViking. Many beers tried, many subjects tackled.

Highlight was at the Moor Taphouse with both Ganstaller Trink Hell and Cantillon Kriek both on draught.

Hope Fourpure was good too. I got home, somehow.


@harrisoni always a pleasure, meant to post yesterday but my condition was critical until late last night. Fourpure was pretty good, I was impressed and thanks to @Taboada got a few extra ticks for @BeerViking and I. Can’t say I remember an lot after buying 6 more tasters for no reason, but I blame that on Bryan!


Sat kicking back this evening drinking the 6 Kernel beers I picked up on Saturday. Boy, it’s a hard life. Still love going drinking with Ratebeerians. They are a special breed.


All I did was point out that we were out of beer! :joy:

Drat, just realised I’m way late in saying thanks to you guys. Yeah, I was a bit grungy the day after too… :exploding_head:

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