Eric's Ratebeer App no more supported

Yes I completely understand, but will be most disappointed if this is allowed to happen. I do go on untappd and really like how up to date it is and the ease of use, however I get frustrated with the character limit as I tend to say where I am, who with, what I’m listening to etc and by the time I would have completed this is would have nothing left to review the beer. Anyway I am drifting off topic, I so hope that you get an offline function.

It’s somewhat amusing that pre-RB I never noticed the limit but on the recent holiday I kept struggling to keep things concise! (and I don’t really write much)

I think that offline function clashes with the way in-app reviewing’s been constructed in the app since the beginning, back when they wanted to do away with reviewing as such, which is why we aren’t getting any answers, as they don’t dare or care to say “never”. Nothing’s downloaded / put in permanent storage really, all is “in the air”, which is why ratings are lost so easily (and were lost so much more easily before). The only explanation considering it’s repeatedly been sought after by many prominent users and we never had ANY answers regarding when and if it’s gonna be introduced.

Two days? Which two days? When? Are people supposed to drop everything and start hysterically uploading their offline ratings on, say, their workdays, or when they are out or abroad? And if they don’t manage, it’s gonna be their own fault, right?


I think you right. No though was given to off line when it was first designd and they dont want to reowk to allow it,
well if i dont get a possitive answer before De Molen in a few weeks. Im out. Like stu i cant work without offline unless i double /treble my work load and frankly ive just got better thinks to do with my life now.
It will be a shame to leave that part of my life behind. but if i cant do it right there no point doin it at all

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Numbers are down so they could use some money


Let’s continue the Draft Reviews/Offline Functionality discussion here

Hi @marko,

For the two days, please see this message:

We wanted to restrict this to two days because we have identified that keeping this access was causing website insability over the last few months.

Please let us know if these two days don’t suit you and we can shedule some additional times.

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Making a basic feature a premium one? Must be a joke.

I don’t use the app. Many people I know do. Should they contact you to arrange dates when it suits them to upload their hundreds of ratings stuck there?

Seems to be working again, I managed to log in and upload my offline ratings this morning.

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Hi @Hermod,
Eric’s app will only be working for a limited time. Please see Migration time for old RateBeer app for details