How's your rating going so far in 2018?

What’s the easiest way to see how many beers I’ve rated this year on the mobile website? I can’t see any dates.

Hard to say how many this year as ploughing through backlog.

I did however set a new personal record for rates in one day the Saturday before last in Copenhagen @239.

Eased off after MBCC and in hindsight I should have pushed for 250 !

Mine has pretty much stopped now. A backlog is building on untappd.


Holy shit what are the odds of two people having the same amount on the same day?

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Honestly I always just try to remember my last rating of every year and look for that.

Easiest way is to look at charts and add every month together.

@ebone1988 @DutchDrebus check here

This has your current ratings for the year and your projected total for the year.

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I’m at 479 (with maybe 25 or so in the backlog), on pace for 1235. More or less where I expected to be.

513 rates this year. Only 200 or so behind the top 50 for the year, which is a little surprising… Projection puts me about 100 more than last year. Zero festivals so far this year, just a fair amount of brewery visiting on holiday in Australia elevating me over my usual amounts. With a few festivals and a fair bit more travel coming up I should get several hundred more than last year.

41 place rates, with another one or two to add from last weekend. Again, hoping to bump that up with some European travel in a few months.

Yep. I’m a whopping 167.

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I am at 624 plus a backlog of maybe ten… and unfortunately a few that will never be rated because I suck at writing beer names.

650 beer rates and 66 place rates.

Way above what I planned but some pretty efficient festivals and holidays combined with more local tasting ende me up here. So I am not realy slowing down as planned but hey it is just to much fun and I really enjoy good beers.

99 so far. Obviously nothing compared to all you megaraters, but round about the usual pace for me.

According to this, 398 this year and on pace for 1019. In reality, though, this always picks up after a couple of festivals, so my pace always picks up in the summer and early autumn.

524 so far, 1341 is my projected total. I’m a far bit ahead of where I expected to be, which is a little worrying healthwise. Two more local festivals to go to this year, still no idea what I’m doing about any of the bigger ones though but attending just one of those will push my projection even higher (my target was 1000 so I can slow down at some point).

I’ll never understand how some of you guys can do this, but fair play if you can, it’s pretty impressive.

Even if you’re drinking less than 1/3rd of each one, say 100ml, that’s still 23.9 litres of beer.
I’m a lightweight and I know I’d be wasted long before that. And personally, I like to have at least a third of something before I rate. I wouldn’t rate off just a sip as I don’t think you can appreciate flavour from so little.

Maybe they spit it out?

I’m on 228 - which is bit high, because unlike many of you I try not to try all that many new things. About 9 a week is a sensible number for me. But availability of decent beer is through the roof and I’ve relaxed things a bit. Had my biggest month since 2010 in April. Some excellent stuff. A couple of country ticks. Good pickings.

Expected this year to be a fair amount lower. Only at around 185 so far for the year. Projected to get about 400 by end of year. Typically get around 600-650, so a good 30% less this year. Not surprised. Trying to focus on spending less, trying only things I really want rather than buying any new tick and wasting money.

How many beers? I don’t know… But, 51 places :grin:

449 beers this year. Many more than I expected… for example in 2014 I rated 425 different beers; last year I drank 642 different beers.
Another good statistic: 5 months and 11 new countries ticked.
Two of the main festivals in Madrid will be in three weeks so there will be an increase of the beers rated.
Projected 1149 in this year, a new milestone. In 2012 I rated 793 different beers