New search

Using excel somewhat myself. Have a database, mainly built from the export files from RateBeer with some additional data. Gives a lot more flexibility than RateBeer when it comes to statistics, just need to get a working map and some region splits working.

Have all my ratings on Untappd as well, but don’t really see it as an option to keep track of things.


“Warpigs furious” should find this right? Wrong.


Why the hell is this spelled all in one word in the beer name on the site? Proper formatting would fix this

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I don’t know which version is wrong, but frustrating that the search can’t find part of the name.

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On the photo of the regular version you can see that it’s spelled as one word, so it’s not surprising the same spelling is used for this version. Another fine example why a search of only the beginning of words doesn’t work in practice.

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Yeah Warpigs You Really Fucked Doesnt find it

and yeah going to Brewer page i can see its
Warpigs Youreallyfuckedmeup & Imreallyfuckingfurious Imperial Stout

SO im still pretty pissed off over this Change.

NO ONE from the site can give a good reason for why this unpredicatble search is better than what we had.

Oh im happy to admit it wasnt perfect. But why the FUCK do we want search that want cope with a Extra space between words


I really hope that has some bearing on it being addressed though… Right now, one of my computers refuses to log in to, or at least stay logged into, the search “portal”. The other keeps me logged in there but has now started logging out of the rest of the site continuously instead. Properly silly business.

Outside of that label (which I hadn’t seen because it was aggravatingly still on the bottle board at Warpigs but sold out when I asked for it :<), they’ve typically referred to it in the run-on format “YouveReallyFuckedMeUp…” etc on chalkboards, social media, festival lists and the like, at least when I’ve seen it. Nothing weird about someone using that formatting when entering it.

The search needs to be able to handle that. It refused to find the Bristol brewery “Lost+Found” today for the same reason when I searched for “lost found”, instead I could only find it by searching for “lost” followed by a ton of scrolling. Really ridiculous business.

Craig you’re absolutely right, I couldn’t agree with you more. And I’m sorry to say this but I’m off. I’m done. I can’t stand it anymore. And I was positive all along. As I said before, I’m back to using excel lists. It’s been a great time, but I’m gonna have to leave it at this. 17k exactly for me. Easy to compile and continue on my own.


The advanced search still works the same as the old search and is still very easily accessible, FYI.

Is longtime users and noted contributors to the growth of this site saying they’re done with this shit and leaving staying on topic? I have a vested interest in knowing.

I still find the search logical, but have to agree it just won’t do. I’ve seen enough problematic examples to convince me it’s not good enough.

No reason to be overly dramatic and leave the site (I do enter beers in untappd and download excel backups though) but I expect this to be fixed.

Clearly people do love to have a hissy fit so we need to take that into account.

Personally on the old search I used to end up just going to a brewery page and scrolling through 100 beers on occasions. Yet to have any major issues with the new search.

On what beers. I know Stone IPA was an issue

and the XT brewery could be a pain at times, but if you entered the whole beer name you were usually ok
but again. I could always see what the issue was, All the problems i can think of were i was getting to many resutls for the info i had entered.

My problem with this search isnt that its different. It that i can enter perfectly reasonable info and get told there are no results. For a beer that then turns out to exist

To the point. It my work on easy and exact examples, where the old search with it’s exact and broad approach failed, but the new one is too exact and hung up on, for a search, weird rules.

How will you know if you had a beer already or not?


I’m not being overly dramatic, thanks. I’ve just run out of patience with so-called improvements that hinder my enjoyment of this website. It’s a fact that time always brings change. I’m just not happy with the changes that have been imposed on RateBeer, so after having given things a very generous test drive, I’ve decided to wrap it up here and continue doing what I enjoy elsewhere. Hardly dramatic, and definitely not a hissy fit as another helpful user suggested.


Fair point. However leaving the site after 13 years and 10k rates because of minor* changes seems like a radical move. Sorry to see you go and hope to meet you at some of the festivals.

*from my point of view changes are minor since they don’t affect using of site in a significant way. I do understand some may not share my views.

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I think they do, Finding the Beer, especially when in a hurry.

Id say 50%+ of the time im looking for a beer , im in a hurry. Either trying to keep up at a beer festival, or very quick stop in 2-3 pubs on way home. Dont have time to hang around
I want to look at 5-10 beer on teh board check which ive had.

So i need that look up to be predictable and fast
I dont want to have to type out the full name. Just the minimum to find it or if it fails to be SURE it doesnt exist