Polish beer tasting at chriso's - any takers

Really sorry folks but I’ve just realised/been informed that I’m otherwise occupied on 21 April.

28th would lose us a couple of early, and enthusiastic, adopters.

Perhaps we should look for another date, even if it means pushing it back a month or two?

That counts me out for this edition. Unless a new date further down the road is picked

Bloody marvellous, the Mayor has just died and the civic reception that I was booked for has obviously been cancelled, now you have changed the date. Destined to never see your lounge.


Please fill out the Doodle (click the link below) so that we can determine the best date for this tasting.

Chris, can you make it known if there are any other black-out dates?

I’d like to see the tasting happen not too far off from the previously planned date.


Why the rush ?

I cant do any of those dates … holiday on April 28 over the bank holiday week then CPH and I won’t take the piss on the homefront by going to a beer tasting the weekend after MBCC.

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Of those doodle dates I can only do the 14 April, which I think Chris may have already ruled out! I’m not back in the game until late May

Why not try to have it sooner rather than later?

June is the Cotteridge tasting. July is a big month for summer travels. August is obviously GBBF etc.

Just seems like it makes more sense to try to get it done in the next two months.

So it suits your summer plans.

Fair enough you shouted first.

I’ll step down .

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Huh? People wanted to do it in April? Why wouldn’t we try to stay close to that timeframe?

From now until October, there’s no month for me that’s more convenient than any other.

May is completely out for me due to various festivals and 2 weeks in North America.

Chris said he is away 14th, but I can make the 28th April.

Other than that there are a couple of free weekends in June at the moment.

I could have sworn when I first looked at that Doodle poll it included dates right up to July.

I tend to agree with you Colin. As long as we get it done before Brexit. Include all dates up to end July (bearing in mind that firsdt weekend in August is shindig time) and see how things look.

Looking way ahead, I’d like to suggest round 2 - or maybe round 1 the way things are going - for Pigs Ear Saturday (8th December). Not many peiople bother with the festival on Saturday and we’ll ptrobably have the benefit of Jan & Charlotte being around to swell the numbers.

I’d be keen if the date suits. I’ll fill in doodle too.

Got plenty of plans but might be able to squeeze in a weekend in London

I still vote for 28/04… I’m out every weekend in May, June is filling up fast too. On a different note, are we talking daytime or evening?

I’m in town 23rd pm/ 24th daytime - anything going on then?

Anyone able to put me up for the night?

If you’re on Polish Mocnes, then the pavement outside has lampposts you can sleep against. There’s even a park just across the road, which almost certainly has some benches. Remember to take the leftovers of some of the Mocnes with you, as you’ll need one or two for breakfast too.

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