Release: First version of new Activity Feed

When is this supposed to stop???
I’m following 6 breweries!


Maybe when you follow AB!


This has been voiced a few times already but, I’d like to repeat: I’d like to see my own progress too. Strangely enough, I can see my milestones, when RB invites me to congratulate myself for my latest milestone!
Can’t we have the regular progress too?


I wondered if it was possible to send a message to oneself, apparently not!

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I agree that ideally we would like to see our activity:

  • it increases the sense of worth, hence the social usage of the system
  • we can see what our friends will see

I can actually send a msg to myself both with the old PM system and with the new forum; but I don’t know why I should do that.


@discobot what is my activity

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot show bhensonb activity

all we need is another possible on the drop down: My Activity

@discobot serve bhensonb or get lost!

The reason I like to see my activity is I add beers in advance knowing I’ll be drinking later. It’s easier to simply click that feed in bar setting than having additional searching/typing


That! Among a few other things.

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You’re better off talking to an 8 Ball.

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A friend hit 5k a few days ago, but the activity feed doesn’t mention this. I can, however, still see a 95-day old notification saying that I’ve hit 1.9k and suggesting that I congratulate myself. :roll_eyes:

I opened the page today, there was one relevant piece (a friend rated N beers in the last 2 weeks) and the rest was just irrelevant. Just ONE piece in the whole screen.

Took a look…

-asks me to congratulate myself on my 7000… great

  • Newly Added Beer > Friend - doesn’t work properly, lists some random American user with a randonly generated name who doesn’t follow anyone and didn’t friend anyone

-local activity lists an Australian guy rating an American beer, festivals in Poland, stuff in Bulgaria, Belgium, Israel… err…

-the automatic comments on scores are still cringey as fuck. as the polls have shown, there literally isn’t a single active user here who was even neutral about it, let alone liked it or loved it, with good reason.

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I was recommended a nearby bar in Beijing. Farcical

Same here.

To add to this, why are milestone numbers every 100? I recently hit 2800 ratings and I see a feed item telling me to congratulate myself. But of what significance is this number to anyone? How is 2800, or 2700, or anything I hit previously a milestone? Why would anyone congratulate someone on this?

Surely it should be showing every 1000 ratings as that’s what everyone congratulates each other since forever. I feel 100 is far too frequent and completely unremarkable.

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