What makes Untappd better than RateBeer currently

The UT app is technically superior, yes. Their website? Mwah.
The RB website is still the best out there as far as I’m concerned. That is amazing, I’m sure you’ll agree. Because it does suck. If everything worked it would definitely be relevant, even though the masses always produce the money and will therefor be the main path for every brewer to follow.


People always gonna act like they “trust” what people write on RB vs Untappd but yall gonna drink every single beer you can get your hands on anyway so who cares what the reviews actually say?


Yes, but it’s nice to know what to expect, and interesting to see other thoughts when a flavor generates a WTF is that response!

No true for me. I pass up on many beers simply because I don’t have the time, money or liver to drink them all. I usually drink whole or half bottles and not samples, simply because it takes me a while to get into the beer (the first impression not always the final impression!) and I don’t really care about how many unique beers I’ve had. I do like to explore though and I usually drink beers I haven’t had before, so I generally I buy beers that have either decent ratings or are intriguing in some way.

Obviously you have never checked out the majority of “ratings” on the UT because if you had you’d know that they DONT SAY FUCKING ANYTHING ON THE UT!

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This is the ppl staring at the untappd screen at a pour yourself bar in Budapest

Also the beer fest these past two days post menus to untappd and big screens with info real time.

They got the crowd, like it or not.


Yeah right now, UT live beer menus for places is what makes it awesome. I don’t care about their rating system, their badges and I still prefer RB places map to the venues in UT… But the integrated live beer menu is just great.

This and working live Check-Ins.


Apparently on this year’s Brewskival, 1058 users logged in total 37734 ticks using Untappd while checking in on location.
In 3 festival days.

Guess that as a small part show the popularity of it (of Untappd, that is).

So that doesn’t take into itthe ones who opted to not use location as part oftheir checkin, or anyone not using that specific tag aslocation.

Actually don’t think it counts the ones just ticking with no score either, need the score itself to be on the stats.


Indeed. I know quite a few Swedes (from Malmö) who were there and 90% of them only use UT (compared to RB) - and you are right over 37K is a big number. I was at Brewskival last year and there was 28K, so a considerable rise. Hopefully there will be a 2020 next year, really nice fest :slight_smile:

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Honestly ratebeer webpage is often so slow (or has annoying moments of slowness) that using it for live ratings is total pain in the ass. In the festival environment it is basically impossible to use. In tastings and festivals I use only untappd (web version) it is really fast and it always works…

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So, while we got a broken, buggy, visually inferior, brewer page with less features and lower usability and visibility of relevant data than before with the most idiotic default sorting ever put on a rating website ever that ignored every single bit of feedback the devs received while it was being tested, Untappd introduced rating to 0.1 increments, making another step towards being en par with the things that are better for now on Ratebeer.


I’m using the .1 increments on Untappd. I’m not sure how spectacularly useful that is but they do have their shit together. Compared to RB at the current moment.


Yeah but that applies only to “supporters”.


I’ll just leave this here


And I’ll leave this here…


No they don’t have forums, and there is no implicit way to organize trades


:rofl::rofl::rofl: Definitely true.

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Ya he personally beer mailed me a few years back when I rated a beer he thought wasn’t on tap in Churchkey in DC.

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Well, according to some of the contributers to UKCBF over on Facebook, the guy at Hill Farmstead is a sexpest because of all the praise he gets on Ratebeer. Obviously they’ve not noticed that the brewery has a slightly higher score on Untappd.


HF don’t like me. :scream:

BTW, I can’t think of any features better than RB but I can think of some RB features, we have, that if UT had them, I may consider using UT?

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