FAO UK Admins - Breweries/Places Housekeeping



We have some strange people on here, just look at the latest review of Lidl and compare it with the fourth one.


It looks like this fellow doesn’t have much to say for himself at all…

Edit: it looks like not all his ratings are just copied from other people.

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I didn’t investigate further, I wonder if he/she has actually been anywhere or even had a beer?


I looked at a few and 95% of booze and place ratings are copied from a previous rating with no changes. There is a cider rating where he’s copied Marduk’s comments and then just added a sentence at the beginning stating where he had it. He had also rated a flavoured cider from the same cidery and on the same day. The previous rating was by Marduk but this time he’s included his own notes. The difference here is that Marduk didn’t like the cider.

He’'s following one person who was active for 2 days in 2011.

I wonder if he just wants to tick but thinks he had to include comments so just copies and pastes unless he disagrees with the comments

And he’s been up.to this since 2011?!

Why is @Theydon_Bois stealing other folks ratings. This is uncalled for.


This drinks producer and the beverage it produces should not be on here or at least the drink should be unratable?

It’s called Blighty IPA but it’s not been fermented. This is based on an old practice where fruit was pickled in vinegar and the as a by product the now fruited vinegar was then drunk. They produce some fruit drinks and have now used the same process but presumably just with with hops in the apple cider vinegar instead.



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Ha, can I charge for plagiarism do you think?

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It looked a real mess and didn’t come through to our Admin list so I took the easy option and deleted both brewery and beverage. Thank you for the heads up as it would have been totally missed.

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Don’t complain. As a member of the CalumScotland Club you now qualify for a t-shirt and Lidl beer of your choice.

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I was going to submit a number of corrections for brewery address and then it dawned on me… the brewery pages no longer include a full address. Have deleted that note on my phone then.

Although this is still relevant:

The brewpub has been closed but the brewery had been left open?


I noticed that. Then found that if you hover your mouse over whats left of the address, it gives the full address - weird ! [ Would much prefer the full address to be displayed normally ]


Whole debate about it here:

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The full address is still within the data and I’m sure it will re appear on the Brewer front page when they come to their senses.


We can all hope. One vocal admin that has the ear of the programmers and bam it’s gone. Still makes no sense that just because all breweries aren’t places doesn’t mean address on breweries pages should be messed with.

Also the hover and click it takes you to google map doesn’t work for everyone. Which had been a fact for me on my phone and laptop. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I looked up a few of the UBREW related breweries on Companies House as they appeared to no longer be operating. The following have been dissolved:





This lot now have their own brewery in Catford:


The full address appears to have never been added for this commissioner so it’s only appears under England when it is in fact located in Oxfordshire. Full address:

JBS Nurseries, Buckland Rd, Bampton OX18 2AA


These guys have not updated their social media since 2017 and the mast Untappd rate was in April 2018. Not on Companies House. Can’t believe they’re still going:


And I incorrectly reported Oddly as having closed. The move to new shared premises didn’t work out so they are now cuckooing again:


All done.

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I discovered two UBREW breweries that were never added to Ratebser. One actually had one of its beer rated on here but the beer had been added directly under UBREW. Was tempted to add them on so they could be closed. But decided that was too sad. Although it does mean that @Fin does not get an extra brewery tick as believe it was him who had the Diamond Dave’s beer.

No worries. To be fair I wasn’t really sure how the whole UBREW thing was set up to be honest.

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This isn’t a brewery:


They’re just house beers. If they count then we’ll have to start adding every pub or chain that has it’s own rebadged or exclusive beers. I’ll start with Brunning & Price because that’ll be a new tick for me.